
BusinessThe Buzz

Market / Dow Jones’ record for two consecutive days in 135-year history, biggest fall on Friday, fastest rise on Monday

Mumbai. On Friday, the US market Dow Jones saw a fall of 1,190.95 points. It was the biggest single-day drop in Dow Jones’ 135-year history. The Dow Jones once again made history on Monday. The Dow Jones recorded the highest one-day gain. The US market gained 1293.96 points to reach 26,703.32 points. The Dow Jones gained 5.09%. This is the biggest gain in a decade on a percentage basis. S&P also gained 136.01 points and reached 3,090.23 points. Other markets in the world were Hangseng, Shanghai Composite, Kospi, FTSE.

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BusinessThe Buzz

Banking / Bank will be closed for 14 days in March, banks will remain closed for 6 consecutive days on Holi due to the strike of bankers

Utility desk. There will be no work in banks for 14 days in March. There are a total of five Sundays in March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29. There is a strike from March 11 to 13 with Holi on March 10 and Gudi Padwa on 25. However, no announcement has been made by the government or union about whether the strike will take place or not. We are telling you where, when and for what reason banks will be closed.

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