Cornstarch or flour, which is better to use to thicken your sauces and fry? | The State

Many Asian dishes use cornstarch.
Chan Walrus / Pexels
Cornstarch and wheat flour are two great thickening agents. Both can be used to thicken sauces, fry, and bake. But due to its composition, its effects can be different, depending on what you are cooking. We will see how and in what preparations it is better to use them.
Cornstarch is made up of starch only, while the All-purpose flour contains starch, fiber, and protein. One of the proteins in flour is gluten, which is why it is a common ingredient in breads and cakes, as it helps to give elasticity.
Cornstarch is gluten-free, which makes it an option for people with celiac disease.
How do flour and cornstarch work to thicken?
The Spruce Eats explains that thanks to the starch, the cornstarch and flour act like a sponge, absorbing liquid and expanding. They then gelatinize and firm up when cooled.
Cornstarch has double thickening power than flour. So it takes twice as much flour to achieve the same effect as cornstarch.
The flour needs to cook longer than cornstarch to eliminate the taste of flour; the cornstarch requires little time to cook and a higher heat to activate its thickening properties.
Cornstarch for sweet sauces
Cornstarch adds a sparkle to liquids, so it tends to be used more in sweet sauces and pie fillings than in salty sauces and juices.
For each cup of liquid to thicken, adds a tablespoon of cornstarch in a small bowl and add a quantity just as cold water and stir until a smooth paste forms; this mix is the grout.
Then add and stir the grout in the liquid you want to thicken, which should be simmering, you must cook to eliminate the starch taste but not for long to prevent the starch from decomposing and the liquid from being diluted again .
If the sauce is very acidic, cornstarch will lose some of its effectiveness as a thickener. For example in sauces with tomato, citrus or vinegar and also those with egg yolks or butter.
Cornstarch is also perfect for Chinese stir fries
You can use cornstarch when a stir fry becomes watery because the pan is not hot enough. The liquid in vegetables can cause them to steam rather than fry. Add a little of the mixture prepared with cornstarch and water.
Flour in sauces
Unlike cornstarch, flour will make the sauce is opaque. The flour is cooked with a fat and turns into a roux. Roux is used to thicken sauces and some stews. Cornstarch should not be cooked in a roux.
The fat used to make the roux is usually the Butter, but it can also be made with oil, margarine or butter, or a mixture of these fats. Gastronomia y Cía points out that the proportion is the same amount of fat as flour.
Cornstarch gives a crunchy finish to your fried foods
Both flour and cornstarch are used to coat chicken, fish, and vegetables before frying. Cornstarch absorbs moisture from food giving a crispier finish than flour and a thick, puffy coating. This is why many Asian dishes use cornstarch.
For crispy chicken, chef Danilo Alfaro suggests that a perfect mix to use is half flour and half cornstarch.
Flour is better than cornstarch for baking
A cake will not be full bodied and textured if cornstarch is used instead of flour. You can substitute just a little bit (like 2 tablespoons) in some cookie and cake recipes though for a slightly more tender texture.
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