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Cardi B says she is tested for Covid four times a week | The State

Singer Cardi B has once again shown that her pulse does not tremble when making huge investments in order to prevent both she and her loved ones, including her closest professional collaborators, from getting the dreaded coronavirus, which has directly or indirectly caused the death of more than 400,000 people in the United States and, in general, that of more than two million people throughout the planet.

As she herself confessed on her Twitter account, the hip hop star spends thousands of dollars every week in acquiring the most reliable tests on the market in terms of early detection of the disease, which, according to your testimony, they cost $ 250 per unit. In total, she and her family, as well as her closest entourage, undergo four weekly tests in order to avoid the infection.

“I get tested for Covid four times a week. My administrators and makeup and wardrobe managers also get tested. Every time we get tested, they cost me $ 250 each. We are talking about a very lucrative business “, said the interpreter, mother of the little Kulture with her ex-husband Offset, on the aforementioned platform.

After underlining that she cannot receive the aforementioned tests at no cost for reasons related to her “work” and advocating for the gratuitousness of these tests for health personnel, the New York artist has wanted to downplay the considerable expense it entails for her when time that has highlighted the importance of getting out of a health situation that, for her and for all, has generated endless complications of all kinds. “It is necessary, without a doubt. In my case it is essential. If, for example, I make an announcement and later we find out that I have had the disease, they can even report me. That is why I say that it is not so much a nuisance as a sensible requirement ”, he pointed out.

Keep reading: They clarified that Larry King did not die of coronavirus


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