6 Natural Ways To Suppress Your Appetite | The State
It is proven that one of the main enemies of the weightloss, is he constant appetite that at a certain point can easily convert in a eating addiction. It is important not confuse hunger with appetite, the main difference is a need versus a want. Actually learn to know our body and know how to distinguish between these two simple concepts is a great measure for take care of our health and body weight.
Based on the above, much has been said about the famous “Appetite suppressants”, which have the versatility of being a food, supplement, or other method that avoids what a person feel hungry. It is true that some methods are more effective and safe than others, a clear example is the manufacturers of appetite suppressant pills who make big claims about its ability to suppress appetite and promote weight loss. However, at a medical and scientific level, in many cases the efficacy of these pills and according information released for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), they usually have dangerous side effects.
The good news is that we currently have a wide variety of natural methods for suppress appetite, in a healthy and risk-free way. Know which are the best alternatives, backed by science and avoid overeating.
1. Eat more protein and healthy fats
Not all foods satisfy hunger equally; eat foods rich in protein or fat can reduce cravings and suppress appetite. In comparison with Carbohydrates, proteins and certain fats are more effective for satisfy hunger and keep us satisfied for longer. Not in vain in last months all kinds of diets have come to light that are based on the intake of these two macro-nutrients. According to Dietary Guidelines For Americans, the consumption of foods rich in protein is recommended: lean meats, eggs, beans, peas, soy products, and Greek yogurt. The consumption of healthy fats, as is the case of the nnuts, seeds, avocados, fatty fish and olive oil.

2. Drink a glass of water before every meal
There are references that endorse the benefits of drink a large glass of water Before eating, it is said to be a simple method that brings satiety and makes people eat less and control excesses more. It also has oranother study, what analyzed the appetite in 50 women with overweight, the results showed that drink 1.5 liters of water a day during 8 weeks caused a reduced appetite and Of weight, and also led to a increased fat loss. A good alternative for cold days is eat a light soup as a starter, like some vegetable, chicken or beef broth, it is ideal for suppress appetite in winter.

3. Eat more foods rich in fiber
It is well known that the fiber is considered one of the most important nutrients for the organism, it is fundamental in digestion and key in weightloss. The fiber does not break down like other foods, so that stays in the body longer and that slows down digestion and maintains satiety for much longer. Research suggests that the fiber It can be a effective appetite suppressant. The high fiber diets are also associated with lower obesity rates. It has another review, in which it was found that the introduction of extra fiber in the diet it was effective in most cases. Bet on the consumption of healthy foods rich in fibra, as is the case of: whole grains, beans and legumes, apples and avocados, almonds, chia seeds and vegetables.

4. Drink Yerba Maté tea
Of course the tea could not be missing as one of the most powerful suppressors appetite, it is considered the drink healthiest on the planet and has positive effects on metabolism. The consumption of Yerba Maté tea, it has an investigation that endorses the benefits of this tea variant that comes from the plant Ilex paraguariensis. It is associated with benefits for reduce appetite and improve mood, it is ideal to combine it with ehigh intensity exercise.

5. Bet on dark chocolate
Believe it or not this succulent earthly delight is associated with great benefits for suppress appetite and it is ideal to comply in a healthy way with the sweet cravings. It has orn study interesting in which it was demonstrated, that the participants ate considerably less during his next meal after eat dark chocolate instead of other types of chocolates and sweet foods. It is considered a great ally for its satiating power and energetic.

6. Eat ginger
In the last monthss all the trends talk about the immense benefits of consuming ginger, a popular spice of Asian origin that shines for its powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown that consume a small amount ginger powdered reduces appetite and increases satietypossibly due to its stimulating effect about him digestive system.
