What happens in the body when you stop drinking alcohol | The State
Since we were teenagers we started normalize alcohol consumption and as the years go by if we follow that path, we can be prone to create a dependency. The truth is that we rarely stop to think that these “happy hours” actually, they are making us less happy. We cannot deny that alcohol has been linked to significant changes in people’s health, which of course in moderation can be positive up to a point. However, in the long term, excessive and recurrent alcohol consumption deteriorates health and quality of life.
Thus, quit alcohol, even for a month, you can have a great impact on health, well-being and Mental health. Best of all, avoiding alcohol intake is serious progress that increases the chances of lose weight and is one of the main measures to purify the body. Also as if that were not enough, there is references and studies that guarantee that it can reduce the risk of cancer, improves the health of your heart and is even associated with big benefits to sleep better.
Therefore if you usually consume alcoholic beverages Often times, you may be motivated to know how your body changes if you stop drink beer, wine and spirits for a while. The best of all is that you can fit your lifestyleWhether it’s for a day, a week, or even a month, you can make a difference.
1. You will eat much less
It is well known that the recurrent alcohol use is considered one of the main causes of a possible weight gain and the reason is simple, it is attributed to excess empty caloriesBut there are other factors at play as well. As they show various investigations, in which it is verified that drink alcohol also can increase appetite by high calorie foods, both immediately and the next day, in the hangover. Also according to A study published in the Appetite magazine, the people who drank only the half a drink of alcohol (20 grams) ate 11% more than those who abstained. At the same time, renowned nutritionists have found that recurrent drinkers also experienced more cravings for high-fat foods and therefore with a high caloric intake. One last reference, according to A study published in the magazine Nutrition & Diabetes: drinking alcohol stems into a shorter sleep and lower quality, which made the study subjects go from eat carbohydrates to eat fat. An impressive finding of the study is that it was found that for every 30 minutes of sleep deficit, the subjects consumed on average 83 extra calories per day.

2. You will sleep better
At first alcohol can make you relax and usually cause some drowsiness, is one of the effects that is most related to its consumption according to a review of 20 studies about the topic. However it has A study recent published in the magazine Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, in which it was found that drink before bed increases patterns alpha waves in the brain. And these waves negatively interfere in achieving a restful sleep. So it is a fact that once you stop drinking, you will sleep better and you will begin to feel much fresher, with energy and greater vigor.

3. You will have more energy
Lega a moment of the adult life in which hangovers turn incredibly exhausting, although it is true that excessive alcohol consumption regardless of the stage of life it affects and deteriorates the body. The good news is that stop drinking, makes you not have hangovers, and with it they come higher energy levels and less fatigue. It is also important to consider that to drink, we interrupt the natural sleep cycle and inevitably affect our mood and energy levels the next day. According a recent study published in Sleep and Vigilance, Excessive alcohol consumption significantly increases the daytime sleepiness the next day, and almost the 35% of the participants they report that they feel slower and they lose interest in staying awake during a hangover.

4. You can reduce the risk of liver damage and diabetes in just one month
Quit alcohol take your health to another level and is directly associated with a lower risk to suffer chronic diseases. Such suggests A study released by the magazine New Scientist , which had the participation of 14 members of its staff whose intake varied from 8 to 64 bottles of beer of 12 ounces per week, who took a short break from alcohol. Within the group 10 persons they stopped drinking for five weeks, four others did not. The doctors of the Institute of Liver and Digestive Health of the University College London performed before and after blood tests, and found that liver fat of the abstainers, a history of liver damage, it was reduced between 15-20%. While the blood glucose levels of teetotalers, a key factor in diabetes, they were also reduced by an average of 16%.

5. You will boost the metabolism
Drink alcohol recurrently causes the body get distracted from their duties most important and makes weight loss very difficult. What happens is that the body must concentrate on processing the toxins in alcohol and focus its energy on eliminating them. Like macronutrients, ethanol in alcohol has calories: 7 calories per gram. However, unlike the carbohydrates or fats that can be stored for get power, the alcohol not stored in the body and it just stays in the body until it can be removed. Skip the alcohol and not only will you feel lighter, metabolism speeds up and it will promote calorie burning.

6. You will be more hydrated
In general the custom of drinking some how many beers or glasses of wine each night, is a habit that easily leads to dehydration Remember that alcohol is considered a diuretic, which means that it removes water from the body through urine, therefore the rule is simple: mNo alcohol means that the body can retain adequate amount of water for one adequate hydration and an electrolyte balance. Choose to substitute alcohol consumption with waters and detox infusions natural, they are the perfect ally for hydrate and cleanse to the body and intestines of everything that it does not need and deteriorates its functioning.