Biden Orders Accelerate Payment of Stimulus Checks and Expand Food Stamps | The State

Families could receive an additional $ 100 every two months for food
John Moore / Getty Images
This Friday the president Joe biden will issue new executive orders that are intended to bring more federal aid to families looking for food in the midst of the pandemic and that will allow workers stay safe in their jobs.
The president will also order the Treasury Department to find a way to deliver the stimulus checks millions of eligible people who have not received the funds yet.
Biden will also sign an executive order that will lay the groundwork for a minimum wage of $ 15 per hour and facilities to obtain better wages and benefits in collective agreements.
The executive actions seek to open up federal benefits that the Trump administration noted prevented Americans from working during the pandemic.
During the first day of the government, Biden signed several economic orders as a way to alleviate the health and economic emergency in the face of COVID-19, in addition to asking Congress to approve the $ 1.9 trillion economic stimulus package.
Related: Brace yourself: IRS delays in paying the stimulus check and tax refund will continue into 2021, a report says.
More food stamps
Once the orders are signed they will allow increase the weekly value of food stamps for 12 million families that depend on the program, in addition to increase weekly benefits by 15-20 percent for a family.
$ 100 extra dollars
Families will be able to receive money to replace the free meals students received in schools before the pandemic. This extension includes $ 100 additional dollars every two months for a family of three.
Unemployment insurance
Unemployment benefits will allow people to quit jobs they fear to be unsafe amid the pandemic so a worker will continue to be entitled to receive the unemployment insurance.
Expedite the delivery of the stimulus check
One of the orders includes a call to the Treasury Department to find a way to get the stimulus checks, including the $ 600 dollars that were set aside in December and $ 1,200 dollars that were shipped from March to eight million people that they are entitled to receive the funds and that it has not yet reached them, according to information from the Treasury Department. He IRS He has mentioned that it will be until February 12 when the agency will begin to process the outstanding payments.
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