Palmistry : person is not able to take Gutsy decision if these signs are found in hand
Palmistry : effects of Mars mountain and Mercury
In palmistry, Mars has been considered as the major planet. From the person’s horoscope to the position of Mars in the palm, the person’s life is affected in many ways. But the different types of signs made on this mountain affect Mars further. According to palmistry, if there is a cross mark on Mount Mangal or there is an island, it can cause a lot of problems like headache, fatigue, anger and health. In the event of Mangal Parvat not developing, one becomes a victim of depression.

There are two types of Mars mentioned in palmistry. A high Mars and low Mars. If the Mars above is moving towards Mount Mercury, then the native has a fiery nature. He always considers himself a skilled boy. Due to its effect, there is a possibility of damage to the body of such person.
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Many times such a person may also have to face conditions like Chirfad due to excessive injury. During this time, a lot of blood can flow from the person’s body. According to the handicap science, if a line comes out from the mountain of Mars to the life line, where it cuts the lifeline, then there is a strong possibility of an accident occurring with it at that time and age.
In this accident, any part of the person’s body can also be cut. If any line from Magal mountain to Chandra Parvat, such a person is accustomed to delay in taking decisions and to do erratic work continuously. If this Mangal Parbat is suppressed by the Lunar Mountain, then it is also irritable due to its lack of success. An ominous sign on this mountain causes a person to face financial troubles and family problems and his speech is affected.

On the information given in this article, we do not claim that these are completely true and accurate and adopting them will give the expected results. Which has been presented keeping in mind only general public interest.