Palmistry: How does life line of a successful person look like?
The life line indicates the quality, standard and conduct of your life. It also influences personal traits such as inspiration, energy, positive attitude, self-confidence, mental courage, enthusiasm, logic and sense of justice.
A winner’s palm
An ambitious person derives inspiration from dreams of achieving high positions. The life line of such people starts from the area of Jupiter and would be free of cuts and deviations, reflecting their intense desire to achieve excellence, excessive ambition and an attractive personality. Such people would be able to achieve high levels of social as well as economic status.
Pretensions and show-offs would not be needed for these people to attract fame and popularity. If you possess such a life line, you would display a natural attraction towards growth, development and overall success.
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life line starting above the area of Jupiter
A person having a life line that starts above the area of Jupiter can never be prevented from pursuing his or her goal by any means. In other words, if you have such a life line and sets out to complete a task, you would be virtually unstoppable.

Moreover, after you achieve the goal, you will not be satisfied even if your performance is better than that of all the previous aspirants. Your drive and enthusiasm to constantly grow, improve and succeed would never allow you to relax.
However, you may display some lethargy and disinterest during the initial stages. But if they are overcome, you will not rest till the aim is achieved.