

Instagram : Editing Your Profile (name, email, pic,authentication, nametag)

You may need to log into your account before you’re able to update your profile information.
To update your profile information, including your username and email address associated with your account:

Go to your profile.
Tap Edit Profile.
Type in your information and tap Done (iPhone), (Android) or Submit (computer and mobile browser).
Some profile information isn’t visible to anyone but you. This includes your email address, phone number and gender.

Learn what you can do if you forgot your password or can’t log in to your account. If you think your account has been hacked, learn more about what you should do.

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Instagram : How to control your visibility (private, comment likes and web access)

By default, anyone can see your profile and posts on Instagram. You can make your account private so that only followers you approve can see what you share. If your account is set to private, only your approved followers will see your photos or videos on hashtag or location pages.

Set your account to private from the Instagram app on your Android or iOS device
Go to your profile, then tap .
Tap Settings.
Tap Privacy > Account Privacy.
Tap next to Private Account to make your account private.
Set your account to private on your computer or mobile browser

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Instagram : Tagging and Mentions

You can tag people in a photo or video that you share on Instagram.

To tag people as you’re posting a photo or video:

After you’ve selected a photo or video and added effects and filters, tap Tag People from the Share screen.
Tap on someone in the photo.
Start entering their name or username and select them from the dropdown menu.
Tap Done (iPhone) or (Android).
To add people to a photo or video you’ve already shared:

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Instagram : Editing and Deleting Posts

To delete a photo or video that you’ve posted, tap (iPhone) or (Android) above your post and then tap Delete. Tap Delete again to confirm.

You can also archive posts to hide them from your profile and make it so your followers and other people on Instagram can’t see it. When you archive a post, it keeps all its likes and comments.

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Instagram : Adding Effects and Filters on photos and videos

Once you’ve taken or uploaded a photo or video, you can edit it by applying filters:

Tap Next, then tap the filter you’d like to apply.
Tap the filter again if you want to adjust filter strength left or right using the slider. Tap Done to save your change.
Tap Next to add a caption and location.
Tap Share.
Note: You can rearrange the order of your filters by pressing and holding a filter at the bottom of the screen, then dragging it to the desired position.

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Instagram : Posting photos, videos and Adding Locations

To upload a photo or take a new one, first tap at the bottom of the screen:

To upload a photo from your phone’s library, tap Library (iOS) or Gallery (Android) at the bottom of the screen and select the photo you’d like to share.
To take a new photo, tap Photo at the bottom of the screen then tap . You can tap to switch between front and rear-facing cameras and to adjust flash.

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Instagram : Syncing Contacts and Finding People to Follow

Connect contacts
To find people to follow on Instagram, you can look through people from your contact list:

Go to your profile and tap .
Tap Discover People > Contacts.
Tap Connect Contacts > Allow Access.
Tap Follow next to the people you’d like to follow.
Learn more about what happens when you connect Instagram to your phone’s contact list. You can also tap at the bottom of the screen to search for people you’d like to follow.

Disconnect contacts
To disconnect your contacts:

Go to your profile and tap .
Tap Settings.
Tap Account > Contacts Syncing.

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