

Instagram : how to add accounts

How do I add and switch between multiple Instagram accounts?
When you add multiple Instagram accounts, you can switch between them without having to log out and log back in. To add multiple Instagram accounts:

Go to your profile and tap .
Tap Settings.
Scroll to the bottom and tap Add Account.
Enter the username and password of the account you’d like to add.
Tap Log In.
To switch between accounts you’ve added:

Go to your profile.
Tap your username at the top of the screen.
Tap the account you’d like to switch to.

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Instagram : Privacy Settings & Information

Keep in mind that business profiles aren’t able to make their accounts private. If you want to make your business account private, first switch back to a personal account.
By default, anyone can see your profile and posts on Instagram. You can make your account private so that only followers you approve can see what you share. If your account is set to private, only your approved followers will see your photos or videos on hashtag or location pages.

Set your account to private from the Instagram app on your Android or iOS device
Go to your profile, then tap .
Tap Settings.
Tap Privacy > Account Privacy.
Tap next to Private Account to make your account private.
Set your account to private on your computer or mobile browser

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Instagram : IGTV (upload/Edit/Report)

Video Length

Videos must be at least one minute long. The maximum length your video can be is:

15 minutes when uploading from a mobile device.
60 minutes when uploading from the web.
Video File Type

Videos must be in MP4 file format.

Video Resolution and Size

You can upload a vertical video with an aspect ratio of 9:16 or a horizontal video with an aspect ratio of 16:9.
Videos should have a minimum frame rate of 30 FPS (frames per second) and minimum resolution of 720 pixels.
The maximum file size for videos that are 10 minutes or less is 650MB. The maximum file size for videos up to 60 minutes is 3.6GB.

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Instagram : Stories (Archive/Highlights/ Viewing Stories/ Live Video / Privacy Settings )

Stories you create and share on Instagram are automatically saved in your Stories Archive, so there’s no need to save them to your phone. You can turn off Stories Archive at any time in Settings.

To turn Stories Archive on or off:

Go to your profile and tap .
Tap Settings > Privacy > Story.
Next to Save to Archive, tap .
Note: Only you can see the stories saved in your archive after they disappear from your story. If you delete a photo or video from your story before it disappears, it won’t be saved to your archive.

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Instagram : Direct messaging (disappearing photos and videos/ sending post, profile, location/ conversation)

Instagram Direct lets you send messages to one or more people. You can send the following things as a message on Instagram Direct:

Photos or videos you take or upload from your library
Posts you see in feed
Disappearing photos and videos
To see messages you’ve sent with Instagram Direct, tap in the top right of feed. From there, you can manage the messages you’ve sent and received.

When you send a post from feed using Instagram Direct, it’ll only visible to people who can already see it. For example, if you send a post from a private account as a message, only people who follow that account will be able to see it.

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