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Biden Administration Advances Third Stimulus Check Plan With Senators From Both Parties | The State

Biden Administration Advances Third Stimulus Check Plan With Senators From Both Parties

President Biden seeks to expand the economic benefits during the pandemic.

Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

Officials in the President’s Administration Joe biden They had met by telephone with a bipartisan group of senators, where they discussed the options of the economic aid project against the coronavirus.

According to a report by The Hill, The meeting established some coincidences, mainly the urgency of sending more funds to the fight against the pandemic, although Republicans and some Democrats have asked to focus on the third stimulus check of $ 1,400 to those who need it most.

Majority Leader in the Senate, Dick durbin (Illilonis) said the call was “productive” and supported the White House’s vision against the pandemic and the resulting economic crisis.

“The Senate must come together on a bipartisan basis and provide the resources the American people need to survive this pandemic and this prolonged financial hardship.”, said.

Retaking a report from Axios on the call, the senator Angus king (Maine) noted that the call focused on “solutions.”

“Let’s continue working together to accelerate vaccine distribution and support Americans during this pandemic,” he posted.

CNN reports and The Washington Post indicate that the meeting was promoted by Brian Deese, director of the National Economic Council.

Senators, eight from each party, questioned the Biden Administration about where the aid money should go and what is the justification for some expenses, in addition to asking to focus the third check “on those most in need.”

The $ 1.9 trillion bill unveiled by President Biden includes an extension of the unemployment insurance bond after mid-March and raising the federal minimum wage to $ 15 an hour.


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