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What You Didn't Know About Apple Cider Vinegar | The State

In the last months everyone talks about the benefits of apple cider vinegar, not for nothing is considered one of the ingredients more in trend in the field of The nutrition and naturopathic medicine. The truth is that its popularity began largely due to its benefits for promote weight loss and detoxify the body. In such a way it has quickly become a important element in medicinal food, which also adds a amazing taste to food.

While it is true that many of the uses of apple cider vinegar come from the popular literature, exist scientific evidence relevant that endorse their antimicrobial properties and anti-inflammatory. Apple cider vinegar is a product obtained from the yeast apple combo, which ferments the sugars and transforms them into alcohol. As a final step bacteria are added to the mix and the alcohol ends up becoming acetic acid, which is considered the main active compound in vinegar and that is associated with a long list of therapeutic benefits. At the same time it is the substance responsible for the characteristic strong smell and sour taste of vinegar, it is estimated that on average apple cider vinegar contains between 5 and 6% acetic acid.

He Apple cider vinegar has become very popular for its content in bioactive compounds with pharmacological potential, which have positioned it as an infallible natural and home remedy. This is stated in a report published in Food Chemistry, in which the healing benefits of apple cider vinegar thanks to its content in polyphenols, organic acids and micronutrients, which exert extremely beneficial effects on the body.

In such a way that the previously mentioned factors directly intervene in its potential and benefits. We invite you to know some fun facts around apple cider vinegar, which will undoubtedly make you love him and make it a staple in your routine.

What you didn’t know about apple cider vinegar:

1. Contains very healthy substances

Many people tend to associate apple cider vinegar as a good ally in the kitchen, which provides a definite sour taste in various preparations. However, it is much more than that, it is a complexly perfect substance which in its organic and unfiltered versions contains a substance called “mother” and that is formed by protein strands, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give the product a cloudy appearance. The funny thing is that mother in apple cider vinegar, is responsible for its healing properties and that is why nutrition specialists highly recommend choose a good apple cider vinegar, since it contributes amino acids and antioxidants that are important for health.

2. It can kill harmful bacteria

The uses of apple cider vinegar are much broader than culinary field, since for many years he has been employed as disinfectant and natural preservative. Without a doubt one of its greatest qualities is that it can help kill pathogens, including bacteria. Vinegar is also a food preservative, in fact it has A study in which it is verified that thanks to its content in acetic acid inhibits the growth of bacteria such as E. coli in food and its deterioration, this is an important aspect in health when decrease the risk of infection. Additionally in said study, The researchers determined that apple cider vinegar has a outstanding multiple antimicrobial potential, since it fights pathogens such as E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans.

3. Regulates blood glucose levels

Integrate the consumption of Apple vinager in your daily routine it can be a great ally for reduce the risk of diabetes. In fact, numerous scientific references have proven its benefits to stabilize and regularize the blood glucose levels, which in fact is considered one of the main causes of aging and various chronic diseases. It is believed that The healthiest and most effective way to regulate blood sugar levels is to avoid refined carbohydrates and the sugar, that is why the consumption of Apple cider vinegar can also have a beneficial effect. Among the most relevant references is, a small study published in Diabetes Care in which it is found that vinegar can improve the insulin sensitivity between a 19 and 34% during a meal rich in carbohydrates and significantly lower blood sugar and also the response to insulin. Another reference is another study in which it was found that people with diabetes who consumed two tablespoons of cider vinegarapple before bedtime reduced fasting blood sugar in a 4% the next morning. What you probably didn’t know is that consuming apple cider vinegar can be a magnificent natural ally to improve insulin function and reduce blood sugar levels; especially after meals.

4. Benefits weight loss and detoxifies the body

This is one of the most popular topics related to the consumption of apple cider vinegar and that has also raised certain questions, however science does not lie. Several human studies show that vinegar can increase the feeling of fullness and therefore this is a factor that helps consume fewer calories, fights anxiety to eat and therefore results in weight loss. According A study, taking vinegar along with a carbohydrate-rich meal produced a greater feeling of fullness, causing participants to eat between 200 and 275 fewer calories for the rest of the day. Further, A study in 175 people with obesity showed that the daily consumption of apple cider vinegar leads to a reduction of abdominal fat and to weight loss. According to the study, these were the conclusions:

  • Taking 1 tablespoon (12 ml) caused a loss of 2.6 pounds (1.2 kg)
  • Taking 2 tablespoons (30 ml) caused a loss of 3.7 pounds (1.7 kg)

What is important to mention is that the results of this study were reflected in a span of three months, so constancy is probably the most relevant factor on the good results. It is also considered a substance that due to its composition benefits the purification of liquids, salts, fats, toxins and waste housed in the body, that is why in recent months everyone has talked about its consumption as a great natural supplement fasting for enhance weight loss.

5. Improves heart health

Believe it or not the systematic intake of apple cider vinegar It can be a magnificent ally to protect cardiovascular health. It turns out that apple cider vinegar has been shown to have the ability to lower high levels of cholesterol in the blood and thereby reduces the risk of suffer from heart disease. Research suggests vinegar might improve several of these risk factors, they conducted animal studies in which it was found that apple cider vinegar can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as various other factors risk of heart diseases. Additionally it has other studies in which it has been shown that vinegar lowers blood pressure, which is an important risk factor for heart diseases and kidney problems.


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