5 reasons why you should avoid eating white bread | The State

Breads made with refined flour, such as white bread, are unhealthy.
Sornram Srithong / Pixabay
White bread is very accessible, practical and can seem tasty to you. This type of bread made with highly processed flour and additives, has little nutritional value and it would not be a healthy option, it can have unwanted effects on your body, such as gaining weight and contributing to chronic disease.
1. Not very nutritious
The white flour has removed the bran and wheat germ. Refined grains have important nutrients you need removed, including B vitamins, antioxidants, iron and dietary fiber.
Most refined flours are enriched to replace some of the nutrients lost in milling. However, fiber, which is an important part of the diet, cannot be replaced by enriching white bread.
2. Increase your risk of diabetes
Foods with a rating of 70-100 are considered high glycemic index, according to Harvard. White bread is low in fiber and has a high glycemic index (around 75), is rapidly digested, and causes substantial fluctuations in blood sugar.
Eating lots of high glycemic index foods can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and being overweight.
3. Increase your belly fat and your weight
He excess sugar in the bloodstream to which white bread leads stored in the body as fat. As well makes you hungrier already what raises blood sugar levels rapidly and so is the fall, which can result in Eat excessively and increase caloric intake at the end of the day.
A study of 9,267 people found that eating two slices (120 grams) of white bread per day was linked to a 40% higher risk of weight gain and obesity.
4. May contribute to depression
Refined carbohydrates with a high GI index can have a negative effect on mood. The same hormonal response that causes blood sugar levels to drop can also lead to mood swings, fatigue and other symptoms of depression, Every Day Health notes.
Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found a link between the consumption of refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, and depression in postmenopausal women.
5. It is not healthy for your heart
Breads and rolls, including white bread, can provide a large amount of sodium even though each serving may not seem high in sodium, notes the American Heart Association (AHA).
Bread is among the six most salty foods on the AHA list and notes that excess sodium leads to swelling, weight gain and put you at risk of headaches, hypertension, enlarged heart muscle, nephropathy, osteoporosis, heart failure, kidney stones and stomach cancer.
White bread contains little fiber or other beneficial nutrients. Not only white bread, French bread, bagels, and pizza dough often contain refined grains as well. A healthier option is whole grains, such as 100 percent whole wheat bread.
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