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5 worst times to drink alcohol | The State

5 worst times to drink alcohol

It is not recommended to consume alcohol in the last four hours before going to bed.

Social Butterfly / Pixabay

The consumption of alcohol is not recommended at any time. However, there are times that are the least indicated to have a drink, since in some cases you can increase the negative effects on your body and even put your life at risk.

1. First thing in the morning

If a person feels that they need to drink first thing in the morning to get through the day it is a sign of psychological dependence. If the individual drinks in the morning, it can easily lead him to drink all day, the American Addiction Centers (AAC) note.

Also, consuming alcohol on an empty stomach increases probability of developing alcoholic liver disease and alcoholic dementia.

Drinking in the morning can also mean that the individual is more prone to accidents, reduce work productivity.

2. When you take medicine

Alcohol consumption is not recommended when taking medications. The alcohol increases the analgesic, strengthening and sedative effects of opioids, raising the risk of combined alcohol and opiate abuse, as well as overdose.

Mixing alcohol and aspirin increases the risk of gastric bleeding and mixing alcohol and acetaminophen can cause acute liver failure, notes the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).

3. When you have already had two drinks

Regardless of the time, it is not recommended to exceed the limits of moderate alcohol consumption of one drink for women and two for men.

He excessive consumption of alcohol is considered more than 4 drinks for men or more than 3 drinks for women, in about 2 hours. Binge drinking increases risk of acute damage, such as fainting and overdose, according to the NIAAA.

An alcohol overdose can cause brain damage or death.

Excessive alcohol use also increases the likelihood of dangerous sexual behaviors, falls, burns, drowning, and car accidents.

4. Before going to bed

It is not recommended to consume alcohol in the last four hours before going to bed. Although alcohol can help you fall asleep, It interferes with the quality of your sleep.

As the night progresses, alcohol can create an imbalance between slow wave sleep and REM sleep. Which can result in shorter sleep duration and more sleep interruptions, explains Sleep Foundation.

5. When you are stressed

A drink can give you some relaxation at first, releasing endorphins and increasing serotonin levels. But that’s a solution short term, can lead to long-term alcohol dependence.

Cleveland Clinic shares that if someone increases their dependence on alcohol to cope with stress, that leads to exacerbation of depression and anxiety.

Although they may seem obvious situations to avoid alcohol, it is worth emphasizing them, such as:

  • When it is planned driving or operating machinery, or participate in activities what require skill, coordination and alertness.
  • It is pregnant or trying Get pregnant
  • You have certain medical conditions.
  • It is in recovering from an alcohol use disorder or the quantity cannot be controlled.
  • It is under 21 years old.

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