Democratic Representatives Push for Third Stimulus Check to be $ 2,000, Not $ 1,400 | The State

Representative Rashida Tlaib, from the most Democratic wing of the Party, is guaranteeing minimum checks of $ 2,000 as part of a third round.
Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images
Not only the Democratic Rep for New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, considers that if a third stimulus check, the base amount must be $ 2,000 and not $ 1,400.
The Missouri Democratic Rep. Cori Bush, also joined the previous call.
“$ 1,400 ≠ $ 2,000 ($ 1,400 is not equal to $ 2,000),” reads a tweet on the legislator’s account this Thursday.
$ 1,400 ≠ $ 2,000
– Cori Bush (@CoriBush) January 15, 2021
AOC said for its part: “$ 2,000 means $ 2,000. $ 2,000 does not mean $ 1,400 ”.
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) says Dems should pass $ 2K on top of the $ 600 from December, rather than add $ 1,400 to get $ 600 to $ 2K.
“$ 2,000 means $ 2,000. $ 2,000 does not mean $ 1,400,” @AOC tells ushttps: //
– Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) January 14, 2021
Along the same lines, his colleague from Michigan expressed himself, Rashida Tlaib.
”$ 1400 <$ 2000 ($ 1,400 is less than $ 2,000) Math teachers know this. The $ 600 is already in the wallets of landlords and debt collectors. Stop compromising the working class and our most vulnerable neighbors, ”reads a message shared yesterday on his Twitter.
$ 1400 <$ 2000
Math teachers know this. That $ 600 is already in the clutches of landlords and bill collectors. Stop compromising the working class, and our most vulnerable neighbors.
– Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) January 15, 2021
Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib filed an amendment last month following a last-minute call from outgoing President Donald Trump to increase the second stimulus check from $ 600 to $ 2,000.
The appeal did not go beyond a proposal.
Eventually, the representatives of the more progressive wing of the Democratic Party voted in favor of the independent measure presented in the House to raise the amount. However, the measure did not pass the Senate, with a Republican majority.
Bernie Sanders agrees … for now
For his part, the senator Bernie sandersA staunch defender of $ 2,000 checks, he has lowered his tone in recent days to support the bailout and economic recovery plan announced by Biden for the additional $ 1,400.
The independent lawmaker, who in May with Kamala Harris introduced a measure for monthly checks of $ 2,000, called the president-elect’s ideas for new stimulus legislation a good and serious start.
“We are going to have to carefully examine the details, but it is a very good start to address the crisis due to the pandemic and the economic crisis that we are facing now,” Sanders said on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert while highlighting the initiative. to expand the production and distribution of vaccines against the disease.
President-Elect Biden’s COVID rescue plan is a good, serious start.
– Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) January 15, 2021