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Why do you feel tired and sleepy after eating and how to avoid it | The State

Have some dream after eating it’s normal. A decrease in energy levels after eating is called postprandial drowsiness. There are various reasons that make you want to go for a nap and this effect can be minimized.

Some believe that sleep is due to a significant change in blood flow from the brain to the stomach or to aid in digestion. So why don’t we feel just as sleepy after breakfast or dinner? not every time sleep falls on what you eat.

Tiredness can be the result of various factors, digestion and sleep cycles; can also be motivated by some types of food and meal times.

Unless you have a health problem like diabetes, anemia, or hypothyroidism. According to Medical News Today shares that fatigue depends on what, when and how much did you eat.

Kind of food

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Some foods can make you more sleepy than others. Foods rich in protein and carbohydrates.

He tryptophan It is an amino acid found in many protein-rich foods, it helps the body produce serotonin. Serotonin participates in the regulation of mood and sleep cycles. Carbohydrates help the body absorb tryptophan.

Some examples of carbohydrates are pasta, rice, bread, cookies, and potatoes.

Also, unlike healthy carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates raise blood glucose levels in a short time and fall just as quickly, which can make you feel tired. Complex carbohydrates like whole grains and beans provide sustained energy.

you eat too much

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If you have a large meal, you are more likely to experience sleepiness.

As we digest our food more blood is diverted to the stomach and intestines. This leaves less blood for the rest of the body and can make some people feel a little “dizzy” or tired, explains Angus Stewart, Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at Edith Cowan University.

The time

Neurologist Brandon Peters notes that the drive to sleep it has little to do with food ingested. Peters that the dream is due to accumulation of a substance inside the brain call adenosine. This accumulation peaks right before bed, but it is also higher in the afternoon compared to the morning.

The longer a person stays awake, the more adenosine accumulates, increasing the desire to sleep.

Another factor that can indirectly contribute to sleepiness is circadian rhythm, which keeps us awake and counteracts adenosine levels. There’s a sinking seven to nine hours after waking up and therefore we can feel sleepy.

How to counter drowsiness after lunch

Photo: Elle Hughes / Pexels

Sleep well. If you experience sleep deprivation, this post-lunch drowsiness may be more pronounced.

Small frequent meals. Small meals and snacks every few hours are better than three large meals a day. The sandwiches can be a fruit or fruits.

You can use caffeine. By bedtime, drinks like coffee can boost your energy level.

Take a little nap for 10 to 20 minutes. Both coffee and naps can lower adenosine levels that contribute to sleepiness.

Avoid drinking alcohol with meals.

Generally, this sleepiness and tiredness will pass in a matter of hours as the circadian rhythm picks up again.

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