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Does Eleazar Gómez have a cell phone for personal use in prison? | The State

Eleazar Gomez He faces a legal process for the crime of equal family violence, after having physically assaulted his former girlfriend, Stephanie Valenzuela, and for which a new hearing had been scheduled that had to be postponed due to the pandemic, so he will have to continue behind bars until his freedom is defined.

Yanira Diaz, who since last December has wanted to visit his cousin in the prison where he has been for almost two months, explained to the media why they did not let her in to see him and clarified if the actor has certain privileges within the prison such as to use a cell phone to communicate.

“You have already seen me go in and out very quickly, I didn’t have access to anything. I asked to speak to the manager, I think he’s on a tour. From the outset they told me that they don’t think they could give me access, ”explained the actor’s cousin.

On the supposed communication that he maintains with Tefi by means of a telephone to grant him forgiveness, he said: “I have no idea, but I don’t believe, because if I did not have access today, I don’t think I would have the privilege of being able to somewhere or somehow send messages ”.

Obviously, Eleazar’s mother cannot visit him due to his health conditions, his sister, ZoraidaShe just had a baby, so Yanira tried again to pay a visit with all the intention of giving a hug and talking with her cousin, but because she was not a direct relative, she was denied entry again.

“Hopefully next week, we’ll see what continues. I came with all the intention of giving you a hug but for you to realize that I do not have any privileges and they did not give me access today because I was not a direct relative, “ended Yanira Díaz.

It had also been mentioned that Eleazar no longer had money and that the inheritance left by his grandmother, who died a few months ago, was going to be used to pay for the entire process that he is facing and for which he is still waiting when will be the date of the new audience.


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