COVID-19 Infected Man Spit On Four Police Officers In Southern California | The State

The exposed officers were quarantined.
Edward Kimmel / Wikimedia Commons
Four Southern California police officers were quarantined because of a man infected with the coronavirus spat at them during an incident over the weekend.
In a press release, the Palm Springs Police Department, in Riverside County, said officers responded Saturday night to a call by an individual who was throwing objects at moving vehicles in downtown that city.
The man allegedly smashed the windows of a pickup truck and was running back and forth over the streets in the area of S. Indian Canyon and Baristo Road. When two sergeants and two officers arrived at the scene to subdue the suspect, he began to yell and spit at them..
The man was taken to a hospital for mental evaluation and there it was discovered that he had COVID-19. According to the statement, the four officers wore masks and gloves and had no further contact after the struggle with the man, who had not been identified.
According to the Los Angeles Times, 15 of the 97 sworn officers in the Palm Springs Police Department have tested positive since the start of the pandemic.
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