Mexicans create a treatment based on horse serum that would cure COVID in 48 hours | The NY Journal
It is a serum-based method with antibodies obtained from horses that is developed by researchers from the Tecnológico de Monterrey and the Inosan Biopharma laboratory

They work in 100% Mexican treatment.
Kena Betancur / Getty Images
MEXICO – Researchers from Tecnológico de Monterrey and from the Mexican laboratory Inosan Biopharma develop a treatment based on serum with antibodies obtained from horses than could cure COVID-19 in 48 hours and it would be ready the first months of next year.
The treatment is based on a technology that Inosan Biopharma, specialist in antivenom, has been used for years on people who have been poisoned by rattlesnake (poisonous snake) bite or spider bites. It consists of carrying antibodies from horses that directly block SARS-CoV-2.
The compound is called immunoglobulin equine and is obtained without mistreating horses.
“It is a technology where through a drug it carries antibodies, that is to say, direct poison blockers that prevent damage, “he explained in an interview Fernando Castillejas, Director of Wellness and Prevention at Tec Salud, the health system of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Studies.
According to the professor, the horse gets a protein from the venom of another animal, for example, a viper is injected and it develops defenses against that protein. Subsequently, the expert laboratory takes the serum from the horse, removes those antibodies or proteins, purifies them, and administers them to the patients.
“This has saved millions of lives in the world,” said Dr. Fernando Castillejas, referring to the treatment with horse serum that is already applied to people who have suffered bites and stings from poisonous animals and which they intend to test in patients with the new coronavirus. . “With this same technology we are developing studies in collaboration with Inosan Biopharma for a protein that goes and binds to a part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”
The serum-based treatment with antibodies obtained from horses is in the laboratory stage, that is, they have already developed the protein and it was found that it does inhibit the coronavirus. The next step is to do studies in animals and later in humans. All under the supervision of the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris).
“We are working together with Cofepris, requesting all its advice and guidance to be able to carry out the studies under the standards that it requires,” explained the Tecnológico de Monterrey researcher, who is participating in the project.
The tratment of COVID-19 serum developed by the Tecnológico de Monterrey and the Inosan Biopharma laboratory aims to cure the virus in 48 hours and will work both in asymptomatic patients and in those with symptoms.
“Our expectation is that this drug could cure the virus in 48 hours, although we don’t know yet”Explained Dr. Fernando Castillejas, from Tec de Monterrey. “What happens is that this drug as soon as it is administered, it is immediately activated, a long-term effect is not expected. What we want to corroborate in the following studies is to see the time in which it acts in a very sick patient of COVID-19, we want to see in how long the amount of virus decreases ”.
The hypothesis is that if the amount of virus a patient has can be reduced to the minimum or completely eliminated, the patient will recover soon.
“For animal studies, we are still going to take two or three months because they are biological processes, they are not manufacturing things. And then come the human studies, “said the researcher at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, who trusted the results. “This type of treatment has been used by millions of human beings in the world through treatment by poisonous snake and arachnid bite. It is the technology that we believe is safe and accessible and we are on the way to prove it ”.
The Mexican Government and the private sector finance 19 projects for vaccines and treatments against COVID-19 to accelerate your research and development. Currently, Mexico is the seventh country with the highest number of coronavirus cases and occupies the fourth position with the most deaths, according to the Johns Hopkins University.
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