Prayers for Anxiety with Prayer Card Images, walk with god for better mental health
Prayer for anxiety
When thoughts of doubt and fear start to creep in, we turn to God to erase the intrusions. Here are 25 of the most uplifting prayers for anxiety, including images you can print to use and share.
Banish This Anxiety Prayer | Daily prayer
Heavenly Father, I am weighed down with worry. I know that Your encouraging Word, which reminds me of Your kindness, will cheer me up. Holy Spirit, please guide me to the passage I need to read today. Banish this anxiety from my heart, and help me to focus on You and Your promises. I thank You for the calm assurance that You will support me through this time. Amen.

Rid Me of Obsessive Thoughts Prayer | Prayer for anxiety | prayer for stress
Loving Father, You know how much I want to cling to these concerns and rehearse them over and over again in my head. Rid me of these obsessive thoughts. I give all my worries and cares to You, for I know You care about each minor detail. Forgive me for failing to fully trust in Your providence for me, and help me develop a greater faith. Amen.

Prayer for What Tortures My Mind | Daily Prayer for the anxiety | prayer for mental health
Dear Lord, I know it’s so silly of me to be so nervous about this situation. Forgive me for feeling like I always have to manage these things, as if I’m better at it than You. Thank You, Jesus, for teaching me to trust Your concern for me in all aspects of my life. I am so thankful that I can just give these issues that torture and distract my mind to You, and You will guide me in what to do. Amen.

Prayer to Guide and Calm My Spirit | Prayer for anxiety
Eternal Father, You are indeed strong to save. I come to You with these burdens, and confess that sometimes I essentially harbor unbelief when it comes to relying on You to help me with them. Forgive me for allowing these things to interfere with my delight in You. Lord, I leave every aspect of these problems to Your wise and gracious disposal. I choose to firmly believe that Your divine counsel will guide me and calm my spirit. Amen.

Prayer against Unhealthy Thought Patterns | Prayer for anxiety | Daily prayer for mental health
Oh God, I am fretting myself to no purpose. I am failing to avail myself of Your endless treasures of spiritual comfort. Help me to rest in Your wisdom and love. I know Satan wants to devour and destroy my soul and is attempting to ensnare me into unhealthy thought patterns. Help me to govern myself inwardly, to be vigilant against his cunning, and diligent to resist his designs. Help me to be steadfast and solid in my faith. Amen.

Daily Prayer for the Overwhelmed and anxiety
O God, my Deliverer, I feel like I am sinking into doubt and apprehension. Help me to find firm footing as I learn to trust You. Please lift my soul to cling to You, and keep my mind fixed on Your promises. I thank You that You sustain me, and give me the strength to stand fast when I feel overwhelmed by these responsibilities. When I feel like I’m being crushed by circumstances, I thank You that I can look to You for grace and strength. Amen.

Relief from Pressure Prayer | Prayer for anxiety | Daily prayer for mental strength
Lord Jesus, I thank You that You give me relief from all this pressure, because when I walk in yoke with You, You are carrying my load for me, and making it light and easy. You enable me to accomplish things I always thought impossible. Thank You for paying attention to my smallest needs or concerns. I thank You that I am Your child, and You have not forgotten me, even when I feel forsaken by others. Amen.

My Soul Is Composed Prayer | Daily prayer
God, You are so good to me. Thank You that when I humble myself under Your hand and confidently rely on Your goodness, You eliminate these distracting anxieties that trouble me. You foresee and provide for all my needs. My anxiety is swallowed up in my trust in You. Thank You for nourishing my soul and lifting me out of depression and worry. I thank You, Holy Spirit, for bringing me to that place where my soul is composed, and I can pray and meditate on You. Amen.

Prayer for a Scattered Mind | Prayer for the anxiety
Thank You, dear God, for blessing me with peace and tranquility and thoughtfulness when my mind deviates into unease and apprehension. When anxious thoughts multiply, and my mind feels scattered, You bring soothing comfort and focus and joy. I can relax and rest in You, as You restore my soul. As I meditate on You and Your perfections, my mind grows calm. Thank You, God. Amen.

Prayer for a Fractured Soul | Daily Prayer for anxiety | prayer for mental health
Lord, You are my Defender, please rescue me from these waves of anxiety that pummel me like a storm at sea. These thoughts and feelings are pulling me apart and fracturing my soul. Please cover me with Your hand and lift me out of this fear and heaviness that are taking away my joy. May Your peace, which transcends understanding, guard my heart and mind, as I present my needs to You and thank You for Your provision. Amen.

Prayer During a Life Crisis | Prayer for anxiety in crisis | Daily prayer for mental health
Loving Savior, I thank You that I’m not walking through this alone, even when the future seems dark and uncertain. As I travel through this life crisis, I know that You are by my side. I don’t need to fling myself into nervous irritation and gnawing anxiety. When I feel weak and incapable of dealing with things, help me remember that there is nothing too big or too small to bring to Your attention, and that You will provide wisdom and smooth my path before me. Amen.

Prayer to My Intimate Friend
Jesus, I thank You that You are my Friend. There is nothing too irrelevant or superficial for You with regard to my affairs, my worries, and areas where I need special wisdom. I thank You for that intimacy with You, that I can be open with You and confide all my hopes and fears and anxious concerns with You. I thank You that I can sit at Your feet and gaze into Your eyes of compassion with quiet trust, and receive that rest that gives me strength. Amen.

Prayer in an Emergency Situation
Dear Lord, You know that I’m in an emergency, and this desperate situation is plunging me into a state of over-anxiety. Holy Spirit, please help me cultivate the habit of referring everything, great or how small, to You in prayer. Help me not to be irritable with others, but to exhibit grace under pressure. Help me center my focus on serving You and growing in holiness. Amen.

Prayer for Strength to Conquer | Prayer for the anxiety | prayer for depression | Daily prayer
Heavenly Father, may I have such a high level of confidence in You that my mind is freed from all anxiety, and such a sense of dependence on You that my mind is calm. Loving Father, You know and You care about all of my conflicts, my losses, my fears, my embarrassments, my spiritual condition, and how I react when testing comes my way. I thank You that I can spread these things all out before You and that You give me insight and strength to overwhelmingly conquer. Amen.

Prayer of Gratitude Even in the Hard Times
Oh God, my Help in time of trouble, I come to You today with thanksgiving and gratitude. I thank You that even when I don’t know which way to turn, and feel uncertain and uneasy and nervous, that You are that firm friend, by my side, You always provide, You mercifully intervene in my difficulties, and Your overwhelming goodness surrounds me like a shield. You bless me so abundantly with Your love and care, and I can be still and know that You are God. Amen.

Cover Me with Your Peace Prayer | Prayer for the anxiety
Blessed Lord, thank You for covering me with Your peace. It surpasses anything I could conceive or imagine, descending like a dove in the midst of my storm and my restless thoughts. I know You will set all things into order as I commit my way to You. I know that peace eludes me when I rely on my own power and my own plans, but Your heavenly tranquility softly seeps into my soul as I turn in simple confidence to You. Amen.

Guard My Mind Prayer | Prayer for anxiety | prayer for mental health
Dear God of Comfort, I ask that You preserve my heart and mind from all agitation and anxiety. Guard my mind against the intrusion of alarming thoughts and apprehension. Holy Spirit, please teach me not to ignore or stifle my concerns and fears in an unhealthy way, but simply lay them at Your feet, with a generous faith that just as You made a road through the Red Sea for the children of Israel, that You will make a way for me. Amen.

Protect My Heart Prayer | Prayer for the anxiety | prayer for mental health | Daily prayer
Oh Lord of Hosts, please protect my heart with Your peace and joy. Defend me against these inroads of trepidation that are assaulting my mind. Holy Spirit, please teach me and correct anything that is lacking in my trust in You. Bless me with completeness and soundness of mind, for You, Lord, have not given me a spirit of fear, but a Spirit of power and love and reasonable thinking. Amen.

Prayer for Wisdom for My Worries | Prayer for anxiety | prayer for mental health
Heavenly Father, thank You that I find absolute safety for my soul and mind in union with Jesus Christ, my Savior. Please provide wisdom for my worries and comfort from my cares. I am blessed that in You I have an unshakable position against anything that would rattle me. I stand fast in Your power to defend me. I thank You that Your Spirit upholds and guides me. Amen.

Prayer for Stability | Prayer for the anxiety | prayer for mental health | Daily prayer
Lord, You are my Fortress of Protection against all instability within my mind. Thank You that when my emotions and restless thoughts overwhelm me, I can run to You, my Solid Rock. Holy Spirit, help me remember that Your truth is permanent, Your Word is infallible, and it is my strong foundation. My feelings are changeable and often unstable, but in You I have that stability for my mind, thoughts, emotions and attitudes. Praise You, God! Amen.

Prayer to Stand Fast | prayer for mental health
O God, my Cornerstone, my Firm Foundation, help me to stand fast when life changes, and I’m tempted to panic. Help me receive Your strength through these ups and downs, when I’m tempted to fret. Help me to remember You are in control, and I can stand strong. These storms in my life push and pull me around, but I remain firm and secure in the palm of Your hand. Amen.

Prayer for My Wandering Mind | Prayer for anxiety | Daily prayer for mental health
God of my victory, I ask that my mind would rest in peace, as I place my inward experience in close adhesion to You, my Master. Please help me not to waver and not to permit any doubt to worry me. Help my wandering mind, dear Lord, to center on You, rather than drift into anxiety. Lord, when I grow weary, help me to persist in drawing into You for the rest I need. Amen.

Prayer against Debilitating Attacks | Prayer for anxiety | prayer for mental health
Heavenly Father, as I battle these enemies of fear, stress, and irrational thoughts that are intense and debilitating, make me strong to win this war. When these fierce assaults come against me, and my heart is racing and I find it hard to breathe, help me persevere in resisting these attacks until victory comes. Thank You that You’re with me, and I’m not alone in my struggle. Amen.

Help Me Use the Armor of God Prayer | Prayer for anxiety | prayer for mental health
Father, I thank You for the weapons You have given me to fight off the fiery arrows of mental and emotional distress. Help me utilize my armor that come from Your Holy Spirit, to hold up my shield of faith, my helmet of Your deliverance, my belt of truth, and to wield that double-edged sword of Your Word, for it is my indispensable weapon in this fierce battle. Amen.

Prayer for Surging Emotions | Prayer for the anxiety
Lord, please help me with these emotions that are surging in my soul. This trouble and anxiety and perplexity keep rolling back upon me, and I am flooded with thoughts of gloom and negativity and hopelessness. Oh, may Your Holy Spirit have ascendency over these disquieting feelings, and may I tangibly take hold of the hope I have in You, my dear Savior. I will yet praise You, my Lord and my God, for You are my help. Amen.