Big StoryCoronavirus COVID-19Delhi

Delhi : Shops to open in Delhi with Odd-Even formula

Lockdown 4 in Delhi

new Delhi. The Delhi government has released guidelines regarding lockdown 4.0. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said in a press conference on Monday 18 May that the lockdown was used for preparation. Now moving in the direction of lockdown. We have to get used to living with the corona.

He said that now we have to move towards opening our economy slowly. Yesterday, the Central Government has issued some guidelines in this regard. The lockdown will continue till May 31, but many will be relaxed. Corona is not going to end in the next one or two months, it will not end until its vaccine comes. Now we have to make a habit of running our lives with Corona, lockdown cannot always be there.

Government-private offices will open

CM said that all government and private offices will open up to their full potential, but private offices should try to work from home as much as can be done from home. Industry, construction work will also start in the capital.

The ban will continue from 7 in the evening to 7 in the morning

The CM said that from 7 pm to 7 am, leaving out essential services will not be allowed to leave the house for any work. People over 65 years of age, people below 10 years, pregnant women and people who have other diseases will not be allowed to move out of the house.

Spaw and salon will not open

CM Kejriwal said that metro, schools, colleges, shopping malls, swimming pools, parks, theaters, bars, auditoriums, assembly halls will remain closed. No major Gathering will be allowed. Apart from this, opening of salons, spas has also not been approved. Religious places will also remain closed.

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Car pooling not allowed

Arvind Kejriwal will not allow spectators to come to the stadium. Permission to auto, d-rickshaw is given with a passenger. Taxi and cab can go 2 passengers. At the same time, permission for 5 passengers has been given in Maxi Cab and RTV, but car pooling will not be allowed.

Screening will be done before traveling in bus

CM said that 20 passengers will be allowed in the bus. Passengers in the bus will have to undergo screening before boarding. 2 passengers in 4 wheelers, single rider in 2 wheeler is allowed. The CM said that according to Odd-Even all shops will open. The shop of essential items will open daily. No activity will be allowed in the content zone. Social distancing will be necessary in every shop. If it is not followed, the shop will be closed. At the same time, 50 people will be able to attend the wedding and 20 people in the funeral. Doctors or medical staff will be allowed to come to the border without interruption.

45 percent of people got well

The CM said that so far 10,054 cases of corona have been reported inside Delhi. Of this, about 45 percent people have recovered and gone home. So far 160 people have died from Corona. We are trying to save every person’s life. Death is less in Delhi than in any other state or country.

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