Earth Day Quiz : Test Your Knowledge with These Best Earth Day Quizzes
Earth Day
Earth Day is an annual holiday—celebrated on April 22nd every year—that supports and spreads awareness about environmental protection. And in honor of this yearly event, people around the world get together to partake in a variety of fun Earth Day activities, from planting trees to picking up litter.
As an Earthling yourself, you may think you already know all about the benefits our blue and green planet has to offer and the role we, as humans of the world, need to play in order to help and protect our Earth for the long-run.
But, how much of an Earth Day expert are you really?
Take one (or more!) of these best Earth Day quizzes to test your knowledge and find out.
Read more : Earth Day history, date, facts And Earth Day activities
Earth Day quiz : (Answers at the end)

1.Where is the largest active volcano on the planet?
- Italy
- United states
- Japan
- Maxico

2.Who founded Earth Day?
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Ralph Nader
- James Hansen
- Gaylord Nelson

3. Which US national park was the most popular in 2018?
- Blue Ridge Canyon
- Grand Canyon National Park
- Golden Gate National Recreation Area
- Great Smoky Mountains National Park

4. How old is the Earth?
- 4.5 billion years
- 624 million years
- 1.2 trillion years
- 8.4 billion years

5. What was the first mammal known to have gone extinct due to “human-induced” climate change?
- Eastern Puma
- Dodo Bird
- Male Northern White Rhino
- Bramble Cay Melomys

6. Which city looks Brightest from space
- Tokyo
- New York City
- Las Vegas
- Shanghai

7. How many people live on Earth?
- 9.2 billion
- 7.3 billion
- 1.1 trillion
- 4.6 billion

What is the largest organism on Earth?
- Pando Aspen Clone
- Blue Whale
- Sperm Whale
- Giant Sequoia

9. What official name did the United Nations give to April 22?
- International Planet Earth Day
- Love Your Home Day
- International Mother Earth Day
- Planet Earth Appreciation Day

10. Which country is home to the greatest biodiversity of plants and animals?
- Costa Rica
- Brazil
- China
- Ecuador
Earth Day Quiz : Set 1 Answers
- Answers 1: United States ( At more than 4 kilometers above sea level, Hawaii’s Mauna Loa is the largest volcano on the planet. )
- Answer 2: James Hansen ( Gaylord Nelson (D-Wisconsin) proposed the idea for a nationwide teach-in about the environment in 1969 )
- Answer 3 : With more than 15.2 million visitors, Golden Gate National Recreation Area attracted the most visitors in 2018
- Answer 4 : The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old
- Answer 5: The Bramble Cay melomys, a small brown rat which lived on a tiny island off northern Australia, is the first mammal known to have become extinct due to “human-induced climate change.”
- Answer 6 : The Vegas Strip is the brightest place on Earth due to the concentration of lights on its casinos and hotels
- Answer 7 : More than 7.3 billion people call Earth home, according to the United Nations
- Answer 8 : Located in Utah, the Pando aspen clone is a massive single organism connected by one sprawling root system
- Answer 9 : The United Nations calls April 22 International Mother Earth Day, a celebration to remind us that the Earth and its ecosystems provide us with life and sustenance.
Earth Day quiz : Set 2
1. Question
What is an endangered species?
- A type of organism that is at risk of extinction.
- A species found on land and in the ocean.
- A species that is threatened by prey.
- All of the above.
2. Question
The U.S. does not currently allow hunters to import animal trophies or parts.
- False.
- True.
3. Question
Climate change affects the gender of sea turtles.
- True.
- False.
4. Question
What percentage of crops are dependent on bee pollination in the U.S.?
- 100%
- 30%
- 65%
- 90%
5. Question
What can you do to help protect coral reefs?
- Buy and use oxybenzone and octinoxate-free sunscreen.
- Avoid purchasing coral.
- Choose seafood that has been sustainably sourced.
- All of the above.
6. Question
Nearly 40% of the 11,000 different bird species on Earth are experiencing a significant increase.
- False.
- True.
7. Question
Sounds from boats and sonar devices are dangerous to whales.
- True.
- False.
8. Question
Poaching is a severe threat to elephants. How many elephants are killed for their tusks?
- 50 per day.
- 175 per week.
- 100 per day.
- 15 per day.
9. Question
How are microplastics (plastics that are less than 5 millimeters long) a threat to crustaceans?
- Microplastics are not a threat to crustaceans because they are biodegradable and safe to digest.
- Microplastics are so small that they do not post any harm to crustaceans or humans.
- Microplastics can damage organs and increase exposure to toxic chemicals. This can threaten immune function, growth and reproduction. This has potentially larger implications up the food chain for humans.
- None of the above.
10. Question
Which of the following are threatened with extinction?
- Giraffes.
- Elephants.
- Corals.
- Whales.
- All of the above.
Earth Day Quiz : Set 2 Answers
- Answer 1 Scientific evidence states that we’re now losing species at 1,000 to 10,000 times the normal rate, with many extinctions happening daily.
- Answer 2 False –Recently, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reversed a ban on trophy imports for some African species and removed findings that gave broader permissions for importation. As such, trophy import applications for elephants, lions, and bontebok across six African countries are currently being reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- Answer 3 true – Warming temperatures can impact the gender of hatchlings. Sea turtle gender is determined by the temperatures during fertilization. Warming trends could skew the balance of sea turtle offspring and future populations.
- Answer 4. 90% Bee pollination is vital to maintaining life on our planet. In the U.S. alone, pollination produces nearly $20 billion worth of products every year and $217 billion worldwide.
- Answer 5 all of the above
- Answer 6 False They are facing a significant decline.
- Answer 7 True Ocean noise created by human activities puts marine species at risk and threatens their survival. In fact, increased noise levels can impact certain species like whales, who rely on the ability to communicate and hear in their natural environment to find food, mates, and avoid predators.
- Answer 8 100 per day An astounding 100 elephants are killed each day for their tusks to fuel the illegal ivory trade
- Answer 9 Microplastics can damage organs and increase exposure to toxic chemicals. This can threaten immune function, growth and reproduction. This has potentially larger implications up the food chain for humans.
- Answer 10 All of the above.
Earth Day quiz google
The widest wingspan of any living bird
The tallest tree in the world
Holds the world record for smallest frog, and smallest vertebrate
Among the world’s largest aquatic plants
At 407-million-years old, it’s one of the world’s oldest living species
Among the deepest-dwelling terrestrial creatures
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