
Turkey : famous footballer strangled his Son to death in doubt of getting corona infection

There has been shocking news from Turkey among the Corona virus. Turkish authorities have arrested a former top footballer who confessed to killing his five-year-old son undergoing treatment for a corona virus infection.  

Kevhere said that he killed his child on 23 April, the day celebrated for children in Turkey. After suffocating the child, he called people for help and admitted the children to the hospital. He died there within two hours. 

Kevhere Tokatas surrendered himself to the police 11 days after the incident. He confessed that he strangled his son to death. He went to the police because he felt guilt after doing this.    

The footballer said that he killed the child because he did not love him. The child was admitted to the hospital on April 23 on a complaint of cough and fever. He was in seclusion with his father. 

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Kevhere currently plays for amateur league team Bursa Yeldirimaspur. Earlier, between 2007-2009, he played for Hacetpepe, which is the biggest club of Turkey’s biggest league.

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