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The face of Lupita D’Alessio's son was rebuilt after beating | The State

It was last December 16 when Cesar D’Alessio, through a live video on his social networks, denounced that he had been brutally beaten by people belonging to a former Mexican governor by name Arturo Montiel, after he came to make a musical presentation at his home.

Since what happened, little was known, until now that his mother, the singer Lupita D’Alessio, said that he lived moments of anguish when he found out what his son had experienced.

“It was a very painful situation, they almost killed me, literally it was like that”, mencted in an interview for an international entertainment medium.

He also assured that his son had to undergo reconstructive surgeryWell, they left her face ‘shattered’, the same operation she paid for: “Her mother paid for the operation, so that later they won’t go around saying that they. No, his mom took him. They smashed his face to pieces, so they did have to operate on him, but that’s fine now, “said D’Alessio.

He added that César’s vocal cords were also damaged due to the blows he received, so he is already receiving adequate treatment and rehabilitation with some vocalization exercises.

“They affected his vocal cords a little because they were literally hanging him,” shared the ‘Sleeping Leona’.

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