Biden Says Everyone Will Have Access to the Coronavirus Vaccine in the Spring | The State

President Joe Biden.
President Joe Biden estimates that anyone who wants to take the coronavirus vaccine will be able to do so in the spring.
“It’s going to be a logistical challenge that surpasses anything we’ve tried in this country, but I think we can do it,” Biden told a group of reporters Monday. “I think we can do it [vacunar al que quiera vacunarse] in the spring“.
The government’s goal in the short term is vaccines 1.5 million people per day. The goal to apply 100 million vaccines in the first 100 days of the Biden government.
Last week a daily average of 1.16 million vaccines.
“I’m pretty sure that within the next three weeks we’ll be able to vaccinate people in the range of a million a day or more,” Biden said.
The country needs some 250 million people vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. That represents 500 million doses, so 3 million people need to be vaccinated a day to control the pandemic by the end of 2021.