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Alcohol detox? Try this wonderful herbal remedy to deeply cleanse the body | The State

Alcohol detox? Try this wonderful herbal remedy to thoroughly cleanse the body

This delicious herbal infusion will be a magnificent complement to purify the body and eliminate all kinds of toxins associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay / Pixabay

Drink alcohol even little but daily, can become a silent way of addiction. Taking into account that Alcohol consumption is a deep-rooted custom in society and even viewed well, on many occasions it becomes a titanic task let himor. For many years no celebration has been visualized without alcoholic beverages and go out with friends carries implicit drink some beers or a few drinks Friday.

Various specialists point out that with the alcohol is very easy pass from a moderate consumption and sporadic, to another excessive and habitual. And of course this is largely related to their main effects, being a stimulating substance it is normal to feel more relaxed, easy going and sociable;. However it is well known that alcohol in excess not just derived in a terrible hangover or a possible memory loss about the night before, when it is very recurrent it is associated with health problems and threatens become an addiction.

Nowadays the nutrition trend invites us to follow a healthy eating and lifestyle, aspects that are considered as the main measures in the disease prevention, are key in weight loss and lengthen life expectancy. Although after the typical excesses What do the end of year celebrations, it is very normal to want to make a alcohol detox through the famous “Dry January”. It is always a good time to rest from alcohol, best of all, it is a custom that you can apply in different times of the year and that is associated with extraordinary benefits, among which are:

  • Improvements in mood. According A study published by Alcohol Research & Health, consuming alcohol excessively It is one of the main causes of irritability and bad mood. what happens is that alcohol depresses the central nervous system and generates frequent and changeable changes in moodIt is not surprising to see how people go from a depressed or sad state to euphoria in a few minutes.
  • The senses return to normal. A very nice aspect of giving up alcohol for a while is that senses of taste and smell, they seem to be much more developed. The reason is simpler than you think and is that they go back to work as before and also of course, brain it works much better and the senses are enhanced.
  • Changes in body odor. If you have lived with a person who consume a lot of alcohol, you have probably noticed that they have a different smell, usually a lot stronger. This is because pores remove toxins containing alcohol, so when you stop drinking it, your body and skin will be much freer of toxins to expel.
  • Lower rate of disease. It is very normal that people who drink a lot of alcohol are much more likely to suffer infectious diseases and this is because the alcoholic drinks cause a suppression in the immune response of the body. In fact it has A study, in which the consequences on the immune system and therefore there is a greater risk of suffering diseases and infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Greater alertness. One of the most wonderful advantages of quit alcohol, is directly related to energy levels and with this a better performance is achieved, it has been proven that in general it is more efficient in everything from the study and work, physical activity and including sexual performance.

The truth is that leaving for a time frame alcohol is a great decision to give the body a break, especially to the liver which is the body responsible for processing it and which is usually charged with harmful toxins to health. Based on this, it has been verified that the consumption of this herbal infusion, is the best ally to enhance the purifying process. Is a natural drink, that due to medicinal ingredients which contains, is associated with qualities: detoxifying, choleretic, hepatoprotective, tranquilizing and diuretic. Due to healing herbs that make it up, is associated with benefits for restore deep cells damaged by a high alcohol consumption.

How to prepare the herbal infusion?


  • Milk thistle
  • Dandelion
  • Boldo
  • Black currant
  • Linden
  • Mint
  • 2 liters of water


  1. Mix a tablespoon of each plant (except linden and mint).
  2. Boil the water, when it reaches the first boil add the herb mixture. Allow them to release their properties for 10 minutes over very low heat. In the end it incorporates a tablespoon of linden and another of mint.
  3. Turn off the heat, cover the infusion and rest for 10 minutes.
  4. Serve in a glass pitcher and keep refrigerated.
  5. The recommendation is to consume one to two glasses a day, It is important that this treatment is complemented with a progressive descent and decisive of alcohol consumption.


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