Instacart will lay off 1,800 people, including unionized workers | The State

Instacart employs nearly 500,000 full-service workers.
Michael Loccisano / Getty Images
As part of a major downsizing, Grocery delivery and purchasing services company Instacart to cut 1,800 workers, including 366 unionized employees.
The reason for this is that the stores Instacart works with have changed the way they sell their products, as many of them now use their same employees to make home deliveries.
“As a result of the transition of some supermarkets to a partner selection model, we will reduce our in-store operations at select retail locations over the next several months. We are doing everything we can to help store workers during this transitionInstacart said, according to CNN.
This wave of layoffs makes it clear that Instacart could start to change its business model.
Instacart has two teams of workers. You have shoppers in the store, who are part-time Instacart employees and work within a particular store to purchase the items that customers order and then deliver them to a delivery worker who also hires Instacart or who works for the grocer.
On the other hand, the company also has full service buyers. They buy and deliver orders to customers’ homes. Instacart has approximately 500,000 of these workers.
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