Is it good for your body to exercise by climbing stairs? | The State
People who are not in the habit of exercising may indicate that climbing stairs is a exercise physical in itself, a statement that those who do perform routines observe with certain doubts.
However, as indicated in Webconsultas, climbing stairs tests your heart health, allowing to know in what condition it can be found without having to resort to clinical tests to corroborate it.
Climbing stairs, a way to know our heart health
According to a study presented at the Scientific Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, climbing four flights of stairs in less than 1 minute is a sign of good heart health. This is the reason for the emergence of the so-called “ladder test”.
According to Dr. Jesús Peteiro, author of the study, the stair test is a reliable way to check the state of our heart. According to him, it takes more than a minute and a half to climb four flights of stairs would indicate heart health problems that need to be seen by a doctor.
The objective of his research was to examine the relationship between daily physical activity and the results of physical exercise in a laboratory environment in order to find a simple and inexpensive method of assessing heart health.

Results of the investigation
This study included 165 symptomatic patients who were selected for exercise because they were known or suspected of suffering from Coronary artery disease. His symptoms included chest pain and shortness of breath on exertion.
Exercise capacity was measured in metabolic equivalents (METs), and after resting for 15 or 20 minutes, patients were asked to climb 4 flights of stairs at a fast pace and without resting, but without running. In addition, the time they did it was recorded.
Patients who climbed between 40 and 45 seconds obtained between 9 and 10 METs, while patients who took a minute and a half or more to climb the stairs obtained less than 8 METs.
Studies prior to the investigation have shown that the figure of 10 METs was associated with a low mortality rate (1% or less per year). On the other hand, a smaller amount of METs was associated with a slightly higher mortality, of approximately between 2 and 4% per year.
Although more research is still needed, specialists have pointed out that climbing stairs can serve as a useful method of checking our heart health on a daily basis, and that it is an aspect of life that is worth taking into better consideration.
Despite the above, it is still highly recommended to have a physical exercise routine with which to perceive relevant benefits not only to our heart, but to our state of health in general.
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