Immigrants Priority in First Biden Executive Orders | The State

President-elect Biden would begin to deliver on his promises to immigrants.
Darrian Traynor / Getty Images
The president-elect Joe biden He will sign 17 executive orders this Wednesday on his first day in office and, as promised, immigrants are in his priority line, including the “dreamers.”
Six of the first orders focused on migration processes are part of the strategy to promote racial equity and other vulnerable groups of the new administration and contemplates, from the outset, reversing the president’s executive order Donald trump that excludes the undocumented from the census, which affects the redistribution of federal funds and spaces in Congress.
It also orders “to preserve and strengthen the protections for dreamers” by forcing to maintain the Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), as initiated in 2012 by the president Barack Obama.
“The Presidential Memorandum will also ask Congress to enact laws that grant permanent status and a path to citizenship for people who came to this country as children and have lived, worked, and contributed to (country),” indicates advancement.
At the express question of reporters, Biden officials indicated that there is no specific order to stop deportations and it is not clear if that will be established with the order to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on the “application of harsh and extreme immigration”.
The issue is key because during the presidential campaign, Biden was questioned for the deportation of three million undocumented persons during the government of Barack Obama, of which he was part as vice president.
It will also ask to stop construction of the border wall, although it does not indicate whether it will collapse the more than 500 miles that the Trump Administration built, something that the Alejandro Mayorkas, nominated to head DHS, could not respond in Congress.
“President-elect Biden will declare today the immediate termination of the declaration of national emergency that was used as a pretext to justify part of the funding.”, indicates the advance that refers to President Trump’s declaration of emergency to redirect Defense funds. The new decision will allow reviewing “the legality of the financing and contracting methods used”.
Another order from Biden will be to end the travel ban to Muslim-majority countries, as well as reverse the memorandum for deferred forced departure for Liberians.
The other executive orders focus on the national plan against the coronavirus pandemic, including the mandatory use of masks in public places, the return of the US to the Paris Agreement on climate change, among others.