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Melania Trump breaks with Jill Biden a tradition of first ladies | The State

The First Lady Melania Trump broke one of the traditions of the first ladies.

In the midst of the political and social tension due to the invasion of the Capitol and the little pompous exit that the president will have Donald trump, the First Lady did not make the previous tour of the White House to Jill biden, wife of the president-elect Joe biden.

“Melania Trump will become the first modern first lady not to invite the woman who will replace her to the White House for a tour of the private rooms on the second and third floors.“, advancement Kate Andersen Brower, expert in history of the first ladies.

Highlights that Michelle Obama invited Melania Trump, even after Trump launched a theory about the president’s citizenship Barack Obama.

“This tradition has long been one of the First Lady’s many unwritten obligations, and Melania Trump has discarded it.”, Andersen Brower laments in an editorial in CNN.

He adds that the reason may be the way President Trump has dealt with the electoral defeat.

“It is perhaps not surprising that Melania Trump has flouted a social norm of her position,” he says. “Every single-term president and his wife have felt the pain of defeat, but unlike her husband, neither of them have refused to accept the election results.”

He gives an example to Betty Ford, who was furious when her husband lost the competition in 1976 to Jimmy Carter.

“It doesn’t matter who follows you, you know they didn’t deserve to be there,” he said.

In fact, he twice canceled the tour to Rosalynn Carter, but the third date happened. “It was brief, but cordial,” the incoming first lady said then.

“These meetings are not always fraught with tension; sometimes they set the stage for lasting relationships. Michelle Obama and Laura bush they were able to work together later, partly due to those early interactions, ”says the expert.


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