ABC Act and BOOST card: They will reintroduce measure for initial stimulus check of $ 2,000 and additional $ 1,000 per month for one year | The State

Currently, the IRS and the Treasury Department distribute the second stimulus check.
William Thomas Cain / Getty Images
Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib announced through his account Twitter which will reintroduce the measure known as “ABC Act” for an initial stimulus check per person of $ 2,000 and subsequent monthly payments of $ 1,000 until the end of the pandemic crisis coronavirus.
“The ABC Act will be reintroduced in Legislative Assembly 117. Recurring payments and the ‘BOOSTAct’ is critical to address the damage caused by this pandemic (for many before COVID-19),” reads the tweet from the wing representative most progressive of the Democratic Party.
The #ABCAct will be re-introduced in the 117th Congress. Recurring and the #BOOSTAct is critical to addressing the harm caused by this pandemic (for many prior to COVID-19).
– Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) January 15, 2021
“Automatic Boost to Communities (ABC) Act”, Tlaib (D-MI) had been presented with his colleague Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), last May.
However, the measure – like others to grant checks of more than $ 1,000 dollars a month – was left only as part of the debate and was not considered for voting.
New attempts by legislators to give way to legislation come after the president-elect Joe Biden will announce its intention to file a measure for the purpose of distributing minimum checks of $ 1,400 as part of a third round of stimulus payments.
If the ABC Act were approved, each eligible American would receive a down payment of $ 2,000 per month, and an additional $ 1,000 per month for at least one year.
“BOOST Card”
Commissioned agencies such as Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Treasury Department would deposit the money in the taxpayers’ bank accounts, although the beneficiary would have the option of receiving the payment in a “BOOST Card” (temporary debit card).
The BOOST card would not be subject to additional charges or restriction of use. People who do not have a bank account would receive the stimulus payment through this channel.
As written, the disbursement of the stimulus checks would include nonresident aliens who have been in the United States for more than three months.
The initial $ 2,000 would apply to dependents in the household as well as the subsequent $ 1,000 per month.
The House legislation would be funded directly by the Treasury Department without issuing more debt by minting $ 1 trillion platinum coins.
The payment period will begin on the first day of the first month after the measure is signed by the president.