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Hispanic Caregiver Arrested for Theft and Abuse of 90-Year-Old Woman in New Jersey | The NY Journal


Accused of deceit, abandonment, and negligence of an older person, including signing checks and a will

Hispanic caregiver arrested for robbery and mistreatment of 90-year-old woman in New Jersey

Bull beaver

Union County Prosecutor’s Office / Courtesy

Castor Toro was arrested after he allegedly neglected and stole thousands of dollars from an elderly New Jersey woman whom he cared for for nearly four years, authorities said.

Toro (52) was accused of theft, deceit, abandonment or neglect of an older person. The unidentified victim is 90 years old today.

The District Attorney’s Office began investigating Toro’s activities after receiving a referral from the Union County office. Financial records and interviews with the victim’s family, friends and neighbors revealed that since October 2016 Toro began to divert money from the old woman while he lived rent-free at his home in Fanwood.

For nearly four years, Toro allegedly opened credit cards in the victim’s name without her consent and used existing ones for personal expenses, according to prosecutors.

Too wrote checks from his bank account and he tricked her into issuing others, claiming they were for “investments,” authorities said. In total, he stole almost $ 90,000.

The investigation also revealed a pattern of alleged negligence. Bull allegedly limited the elderly woman’s access to other people and use of the telephoneauthorities said.

On at least one occasion, locked her in her own room. He also took the victim to a lawyer’s office under false pretenses and forced her to sign a will, naming him as beneficiary, according to the prosecutor’s office.

The Fanwood Police Department executed a search warrant at the victim’s home on Tuesday 15, where they seized evidence of the crimes charged. Toro turned himself in to authorities the same day and the victim was safely transferred to the home of a relative, he said. Pix11.

Any victim or person who suspects abuse or mistreatment should contact 911.



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