2020: An optimal moment for personal upskilling


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Sign up at the QS Virtual Masters and MBA Event and get detailed information about various study options that can help accelerate your career
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The ramifications of the Covid-19 pandemic for employees are sizeable. Not only have we quickly established that we must remain adaptable in the workplace, but also that job security can, at times, be uncertain. With many employees realising how fragile their employment status can be, it is now clear that having a barrage of skills to show employers is more essential than ever.

So how can you stay ahead of the curve? While work ethic plays a big part in helping professionals to excel, educational achievements are another means by which you can upskill in ways that accelerate your career.

Although pay rises and promotions may seem like the last thing on employers’ minds at the moment, when businesses eventually bounce back there could be a whole host of career opportunities available. Once the dust from the ongoing disruption settles, those who have managed to improve their skillset will be best-placed to thrive in a post-pandemic world.

We all know that the majority of employers seek degrees nowadays but, with the marketplace rapidly changing, it might be worth considering a postgraduate qualification that is a little more versatile.

Unsurprisingly, there are reports that Pharmacology degrees are in demand right now, but many people are still choosing marketable subjects such as Information Technology, Computer Science, along with traditional degrees, including Finance and Business Administration.

Underlying such choices are a desire to ensure that one can remain competitive in the volatile, uncertain twenty-first century economy, with the aforementioned courses having demonstrated their longevity, and promising to be highly desirable going forward. Also combining longevity with contemporary relevance is the Master’s in Business Administration (MBA), a course that continues to enjoy high level of demand among employers.

Why an MBA matters

Popular with business leaders and successful entrepreneurs, comprehensive MBA courses teach resilience, discipline and can prepare employees for all sorts of positions – from the operational side of a business to human resources and many other pivotal business functions.

Not only does it provide the student with a whole host of adaptable leadership skills but it also offers a high guarantee of pecuniary benefits. According to the higher education consultancy Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) and their published Return on Investment (ROI) Report, the average global 10-year ROI of an MBA is $390,751 (Dh1.4 million). The report suggests that Stanford University offers the world’s best return at $1,023,150 (this is the only school to offer a seven-figure ROI within ten years). Imperial is Europe’s best at $870,200, and the University of Hong Kong is the leading provider in the Asia-Pacific region ($845,350).

QS Premium Virtual Masters & MBA Event

If you are interested in pursuing an International Master’s degree or an MBA, upload your CV to book enjoy a personal meeting with admissions officials from IMD, IESE, UBC Sauder, UC Riverside, Columbia, New York University (NYU), Georgetown, Boston, Warwick, Imperial, York-Schulich, UBC Sauder, University of Sydney and more. Discover how an MBA or Masters can boost your career! All attendees will also get access to scholarships worth $5.8 million at the events.
The QS Premium Events run from September 16 to September 27.

Students won’t be stuck paying off their MBA debts for decades, either. The average global payback time is 51 months, according to the report, and European courses offer particularly quick payback periods – 39 months compared to 55 in North America.

Average MBA salaries are also tantalizingly high. QS’s data indicates that the average salary for an MBA holder was totaled $89,037 for graduates of North American business schools – the world’s highest regional average figure. Meanwhile, business schools in Europe can also offer their graduates financial security, with their alumni recording average salaries of $73,271.

Of course, when choosing a course, it is essential to be diligent in seeking to differentiate between the different institutions and myriad courses available. The best way to do this is by meeting admissions directors, speaking with current students and alumni, who can all help you choose the right course for you.

QS_Second lead
The average global 10-year ROI of an MBA is $390,751 (Dh1.4 million). Sign up at the QS Virtual MBA Event in your preferred country and find out about MBA programmes in some of the world’s most prestigious universities.
Image Credit: Supplied

For anyone interested in enhancing their employability, or wishing to climb the business hierarchies, now is the time to explore options! With the forthcoming QS Virtual MBA Event, being held around the Gulf from September 16 through September 27 in Oman, UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. This premium event gives you an opportunity to book personal meetings with top business schools and universities like Boston, IMD, IESE, Imperial, Warwick Business School, CASS, Sydney Business School, Kogod School of Business, UBC Sauder, UC Riverside, York-Schulich, HULT, HKUST, SDA Bocconi & many more. Sign up at the QS Virtual MBA Event in your preferred country.

This comprehensive event will provide attendees with detailed information about the various MBA courses available, which include online distance learning, part-time, or full-time courses for accelerated learning. With one-on-one meetings available with MBA admissions directors from some of the most eminent establishments around the world, the event offers a personalized, thorough overview of MBA study options.

Additionally, there is information about scholarships, exam preparation advice, and you can even network with industry experts. If you are at a career crossroads or want to learn more about taking a masters at one of the best institutions in the world, this is one opportunity definitely to be seized with both hands. Who knows where it could take you?

You can register online at for Masters Events and for MBA Events

This content comes from Reach by Gulf News, which is the branded content team of GN Media.


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