Claudia Conway: 5 Facts About Kellyanne Conway’s Daughter Taking A ‘Break’ From Social Media
Kellyanne Conway’s 15-year-old daughter, Claudia Conway, begged her followers not to send ‘hate’ to her parents & thanked them for the ‘support’ after her mom stepped down from her role at the White House.
Kellyanne Conway‘s 15-year-old daughter Claudia Conway has become a social media sensation in recent months after garnering major attention after her funny, anti-Donald Trump videos went viral on TikTok. The teen has since taken to Twitter to express her political views, including shortly after her mother Kellyanne announced she was stepping down from her role as counselor to President Trump to focus on her family. “this is becoming way too much so i am taking a mental health break from social media. see y’all soon. thank you for the love and support. no hate to my parents please,” Claudia tweeted on Aug. 23.
A day prior, opened up about why she uses social media as a platform. “i have been using social media as an outlet to express my passions, individuality, and to shed light on some hardships. i have been vulnerable for a reason. thank you for supporting me,” she wrote. Here’s what else you need to know about the teenager, an activist whose politics couldn’t be more different from her mot her’s.
1. She identifies as a leftist and a liberal. Despite her mother being the president’s counselor and one of his fiercest defenders, Claudia isn’t conservative. She was just 12 years old when she moved to Washington, DC, from New Jersey for her mom’s job. “I’m still a kid, of course,” Claudia told Insider. “I took the time to educate myself and took the time to branch out and be exposed to other sides and other biases and whatnot.”
The teenager confessed that she and her mother do argue about politics. “I’m not going to lie. My mom is my best friend but we do fight all the time over politics, and I’m always shut down by my entire family,” she said.

2. But she respects her mother and her views. “I think I want everyone to know that. My mom is the strongest person I know and she’s 100% a feminist,” Claudia said in her Insider interview. She said that she struggles with people thinking that she must be a Trump supporter like her mother. Kellyanne asked that she take down her viral TikToks about Trump, but Claudia declined.
She’s not the only liberal in the family who butts heads with her mom. Claudia’s father, George Conway, is a staunch Trump opponent who publicly criticizes him. He even started the anti-Trump conservative PAC Lincoln Project. So, it’s really no surprise that Kellyanne is fine with her daughter expressing different political views.
3. She supports the Black Lives Matter movement. Claudia is an activist and ally, and deeply involved with Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ rights. The teenager marched in Washington, DC in the very protests that her mother’s boss tried to stop with the Insurrection Act. Her TikTok and Instagram pages reflect her work. One such photo on Instagram shows the barricades Trump temporarily put up around the White House. She wrote as the caption, “To the black community, YOU matter. all black lives matter. black women. black men. black LGTBQIA+. you all matter. keep fighting. this isn’t over yet. to non-black people, like myself, we must use our privilege for good. we MUST be allies.
“We must listen. we must educate ourselves,” she continued. “we ALL must advocate. this isn’t a matter of bipartisan politics. we all must check our bias at the door. we must check our political affiliations at the door. this is a human rights movement. we must come together. we will not stop speaking out until an end is put to this. let’s end systemic racism and destroy the agenda of institutional racism. let’s get on the RIGHT side of history.”
4. She said she’s using TikTok to “spread love.” Her viral video, which you can see below, featured Claudia telling a follower that she can have different viewpoints from her mother. “Believe it or not, you can have your own opinions not influenced by your parents at all,” she says in the clip. She asked Trump supporters to please stop commenting things like “Trump 2020” on her posts. She told Insider that she wants to use her TikTok platform to “inform people and spread love.”
“I believe that ignorance stems from a lack of education and a lack of knowledge and I believe knowledge is power,” she said. “Even if you have opposite views of me as long as you’re informed and able to see both sides that’s all that really matters.”
5. She’s an advocate for mental health awareness. Claudia penned a passionate post on Instagram in May for Mental Health Awareness month, revealing that she has had “run-ins with mental health issues.” And she wanted her followers to know that they weren’t alone, as well as break the stigma for people who don’t understand. “i am normal. YOU are normal. i’m here to tell you that it is OKAY to NOT be okay. millions and MILLIONS of people are going through the same thing you are. 1 in 4 people will suffer through at least one mental disorder throughout their lifetime. (World Health Organization) you never really know what someone else is going through. be kind.
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