Prayer for Health : Prayer for good Health and Strength of loved one | walk with God
Strong Prayers for Good Health | Prayer for Health and healing
Here are 10 of the strongest prayers for good health. Along with the prayers are printable images for you to use or share.
Prayer for a Strong Body
Lord, You are my Strength, and all power belongs to You. I pray for a strong and vigorous body that can easily do hard work, engage in exercise, and has a strong resistance against illness. I thank You that as I trust in You, I find new strength, and soar high like an eagle. I will run and not get weary, I will walk and not faint. I thank You that I am Your creation, and You watch over me. Amen.

Prayer for a Strong Immune System | Prayer for Health
All-Powerful Lord, I pray that You would bless me with a strong immune system so that I have a powerful defense against bacterial and viral infections. I thank You that when You created me, You put this system within me to protect me from illness. Help me be diligent to promote a strong immune system through healthy habits and to avoid habits that compromise it. Amen.

Prayer for Defense Against Viral Illness
O God, my Salvation, I pray that You will be my strong defense against this virus that is devastating the health of so many and even bringing death to thousands. I stand on Your Word that as I trust in You, the Sun of Righteousness will arise with healing in His wings. Set a guard around me and my loved ones, and give us immunity to this dread disease as we delight in You. Amen.

Prayer for a Healthy Cardiovascular and Respiratory System | Prayer for Health
God of Might, please give me a healthy cardiovascular and respiratory system, so that I don’t have any circulation or breathing issues that would damage my well-being. I pray that You will contend with any inherited propensities to heart or lung disease and help me make important changes to my lifestyle to promote healthy circulation and respiration. I praise You for splendid and majestic is Your work, O Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Prosperity of Health
Highly Exalted Lord, I ask for prosperity for my body. Please grant me many years of life, a sound mind, strength to my muscles, bones, heart, and lungs, a powerful immune system, and excellent agility. The healthier I am, the more thoroughly I can do Your work. Lord, I thank You that when I pay attention to Your words and keep them within my heart that they bring health to my whole body. Amen.

Prayer for Energy
God, my Strength and Song, I come to You today asking for energy for my body and my mind. Please bless my body with the power and vitality I need to accomplish all that You have set before me to do, and grant that my mind can focus and think clearly and quickly. I thank You for supplying me with the strength and energy to do my work and bring glory to Your Name. Amen.

Prayer for Protection from Injury | Prayer for Health
God my Stronghold, I pray that Your angels will encamp around me and protect me from any injury from falls or accidents. I pray that You give me a good sense of balance, good focus on what I’m doing, and good spatial awareness so that I operate well in the environment around me. I am so grateful, wonderful Savior, that You go before and behind me and keep me safe with Your loving hand. Amen.

Prayer for Developing Good Health Habits | Prayer for Health
My Lord of Victory, I pray that You would make me victorious in developing lifelong habits that promote good health, and help me overcome habits that harm my health, such as overeating, smoking, drinking too much, or being too sedentary. Help me cultivate good habits such as exercising, eating plenty of healthy vegetables and fruit, and limiting the consumption of unhealthy foods. May the godly virtues of self-control and discipline keep me on the right track. Amen.

Prayer for Divine Health | Prayer for Health
Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, I pray that I might walk in divine health, free of disease and disability. I know it is Your will that I be healthy. I thank You that when my heart takes hold of Your words, and I keep Your commands, I will live the abundant life You meant for me to live. I thank You that when I receive Your words I will have a long life. Lord, make me like a tree planted by the water, whose leaves do not wither. Amen.

Prayer for Good Mental Health | Prayer for mental Health
God my Deliverer, please rescue me from dysfunctional thought patterns and bless me with good mental health. May I not be held captive by feelings of anxiety or fear or anger or sadness, and may my brain function with order and control. I am blessed when I take refuge in You. I am so thankful that You sustain me and You are the lifter of my head. I can rest and enjoy Your peace that passes understanding. Amen.

Prayers For the Sick to Make Them Strong in Their Fight
Prayers for Health
“When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition, He said to him, “Do you wish to get well?” – John 5:6
Our health is important simply because it is the key to living well and long. Despite its necessity, there are a lot of illnesses that pose a risk to our health and we always try to avoid them. Luckily for us, God has us covered in terms of protection.
Wherein there are numerous instances in the Bible, with them being the different promises of long life, prosperity, and good health made to Man. All these promises though have a requirement which is in the form of total love, obedience, and prayers to God.
Abraham and Isaac fulfilled these requirements and they were rewarded by God for their love and obedience. Now, to this rule, you’re no exception yourself. Therein, all you have to do is to have a deep, personal talk with God. In other words, pray to the El Shaddai—who always listens.
“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” – 1 Timothy 4:8
Prayer for Health and Strength
Father Above, I pray before You today seeking strength and wellbeing. I pray that You grant me the strength to power through my days and health, to last a lifetime. Lord, I will not go sick neither will I tire, and throughout the days of my life, it is You that will be worshipped by me. I thank You for the blessings Oh Lord, and In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.
Prayer for Health and Healing
God, I/name of the individual who’s sick want Your divine healing. At this point in my/his/her faith of You, I/he/she know(s) that nothing happens without Your consent and this is just an ordeal that’s a testimony in the making. With that, I know I only have to pray to You to grant me a boon as usual.
Lord, grant me good health and heal my mind, body, and soul. Let me, Your vessel be filled with the strength to make jubilations because of Your ever constant help.
I adore and glorify Your name my God, and In Jesus Name I’ve Prayed.
Prayer for Health for a Loved One
As I kneel in Your presence and bask in Your love, I have this prayer on the behalf of “name”. Father, be with him/her and grant him/her good health. Father, “name” will be filled with Your essence and no illness shall hurt him/her in Jesus Name.
No matter where he/she goes and regardless of the circumstance, physical wellbeing shall “name” possess by Your power. Safekeep him/her and give long life that’ll be dedicated to Your use. Father, thank You for the miracles past, present, and future—and In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.
Prayer for Good Health and Protection
Lord above, You have been the sword that has cut down the different agents that would have harmed me and my loved ones. Now, I pray that You be my shield that’ll protect me and my loved ones from all illnesses.
Father, You are an immovable and indestructible mountain and if there was any other Supreme God that guarantees protection, I do not know of him. All I know is You, who has been with me and offering guidance to safe keep me. So, Lord above, I pray that You protect me and my family throughout all occurrences in our lives.
I thank You for listening and answering this prayer and In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.
Prayer for Good Health and Happiness
Heavenly Father, in reverence, I pray to You today with a request. God, I pray that You grant me good health and I will forever preach Your good deeds in my life.
Also and by Your will and grace, happiness from good health will I have for the rest of my days. So much that I’ll be a walking symbol of Your eternal love. I thank You for the chance to pray to You today and In Jesus Name, Amen.
Prayer for Good Health Quotes
“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”
“I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.”
“The wish for healing has always been half of health.”
“All mankind… being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.”
“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”
Bible Verses about Health
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” – 3 John 1:2
“Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.” – Jeremiah 33:6
“My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. 21 Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; 22 for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.” – Proverbs 4:20-22