
Gemstone Yellow Agate ( Sulemani Hakik ) : Adwantage, astrology, Zodiac sign, weight and everything you want to know

Yellow Agate Hakik Gemstone

 Yellow Agate Gemstone

Agate is a translucent to opaque kind of microcrystalline quartz which comes into use as a semiprecious stone, when it is of the worthwhile quality and color. Agate is basically formed by the accumulation of silica from groundwater in the ampulla of igneous rocks. Agates comes in wide variety of colours like Milky white, Blue, Pink, Grey, Green, and Brown. The various types of Agates includes- Blue Banded Agate, Banded Agate, Black Agate, Blue Lace Agate, Botswana Agate, Bull’s Eye Agate, Cathedral Agate, Colorin Agate, Crackled Fire Agate, Crazy Lace Agate, Dendritic Agate, Fire Agate, Fire-burn Agate, Geode Agate, Green Agate, Holly Blue Agate, Laguna Agate, Luna Agate, Moss Agate and many more. Agate is one of the most popular rough for producing tumbled stones which is generally cheap and can be grappled with favourable results. Basically Agate is a grounding stone as well as a spiritual stone, thus enabling one to bring their spiritual experiences into their everyday reality. Agate is believed to enhance the mental functions and can aid where the perspective of stability is concerned. Apart from this Agate is also helpful in tackling the negative emotions by bringing love into the chakras.Though they work very slowly, but this gentle nature of Agate helps it to leave an everlasting impact.

Taking Yellow Agate into consideration, it has all the properties of Agate, with the additional properties of the color yellow, which comprises of the increased willpower, concentration, memory and logic. Physically, Yellow Agate may help you with digestive disorders, including food allergies and slow metabolism. It is also said to help in the skin problems, such as eczema. Yellow Agate, the revitalizing crystal is said to reinforce courage, confidence, happiness and prosperity into our lives. It is also believed to bestow good health and physical well-being. Yellow Agate or Peela hakik can be worn in gold rings, or the Yellow Agate mala to get favourable results.

ADVANTAGES of Yellow Agate Hakik Gem stone

Agate promotes and stimulates inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. The other Agate benefits include –

  • Strengthens and harmonizes heart and throat.
  • Gives courage, vitality, joy and raises self esteem.
  • Brings strength, intelligence,promotes good manners and prosperity.
  • Balances extremism in attitude.
  • Helps children overcome their fears and maintain their balance.
  • Helps in metabolism, detoxification, body temperature, regeneration and good health.

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DISADVANTAGES of Yellow Agate Hakik Gemstone

As far as the ill effects of Black Agate is concerned, there are no such malefic outcomes of possessing the Yellow Agate Gemstone.

What ratti/carat Yellow Agate Hakik Gemstone is suitable for you?

Depending upon one’s pocket, one can select the suitable Yellow Agate of any carat. However, gemstones between 2-4 carat weight seems apposite for the jewellery items and gives a magnificent look as well. This weight is neither less nor it is more and apart from this it is affordable too. Moreover, if the gemstone is used to make the ornamental pieces then around 4-9 carat weight sounds to be appropriate.

Astrological Analysis: Significance of the Yellow Agate Hakik Gemstone

Yellow Agate or Peela Hakik strengthens heart, provides courage, detoxifies system, reduces temperature, sharpens sight, gives balance, eloquence, vitality and joy, brings prosperity, elevates self esteem, aids in reoxygenation of body, protects from x-rays, protection, support, aids upset stomach, lungs, depression, lethargy, throat, skin, tumor etc. The gemstone compels truth, promotes good manners, happiness, intellectuality, prosperity, fertility, and good health. It also helps in making friends, helpful to the farmers and those who possess interest in growing plants. Assisting in restoration of energy, it is used in healing, and is believed to bring the wearer prosperity, happiness, wealth, health, and long life. It lays stress to get rid of the self-induced anger and inner bitterness. Agate is beneficial in self-analysis and unveiling hidden circumstances that might interfere with your well-being. It promotes self-acceptance and confidence and also overcomes negativity & bitterness of the heart by healing anger, fostering love, and imparting the courage to start over. It is useful for any kind of trauma.

According to the Hindu mystics, it is believed that agate can help children in overcoming their fears, they learn to walk earlier and also learn to maintain their balance. If Agate is set in a gold necklace, agate will quicken a slow metabolism. If a variegated and banded Yellow Agate gemstone crystals are placed under your pillow at night then it can help you to get rid of insomnia and brings good dreams.

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Technical Composition of Yellow Agate Aqeeq Gem stone

Being a banded microcrystalline form of mineral Quartz and occurring in visible crystals, Yellow Agate is a translucent to opaque in material. Its chemical formula is SiO2 i.e. Silicon Dioxide. Possessing a hexagonal crystal system it has a specific gravity of 2.6-2.7. It can be easily found in all mineral environments but is more prevalent in the igneous rocks such as basalt.

Wearing Process of Yellow Agate Aqeeq Gemstone

Contemplating the fact of wearing or possessing the Yellow Agate (Peela Hakik), it should be kept in mind that Yellow Agate should be worn in a Gold ring. The ring should be worn on Thursday in the day time. Yellow Agate is helpful in aiding problems of pancreas, liver and stomach.

How to identify a real Yellow Agate Aqeeq Gemstone ?

Agate gemstones or hakik stone are porous in nature and are often artificially dyed to enhance its appearance. On the hardness scale it is rated between 6.5-7 Mohs. Real Agate are heavier than the synthetic ones and moreover, it is of bright and distinctive color while the color of the imitated gemstone is of less degree. The degree of transparency of the natural agate is not as good as the imitated gemstones. Lastly, natural Agate remains cool in summer and warm in winters but the temperature of the synthetic ones changes with the outside temperature i.e. hot in summers and cooler in winters.

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Awareness about natural gemstones

Agate stones accessible in the current market, originates from deposits all over the world including Myanmar, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Mexico, Botswana, India, Australia and the USA. Agate is usually found along the side of various other types of rock, but it is particularly classified as volcanic rock. Agates very frequently concocted in the areas of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks such as granite, melaphyre and porphyry. The deposits of silicon dioxide is usually found in almond or ball-shaped nodules and as the deposits continue to accumulate over long periods of time, parallel bands are made through the process.

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