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Chaianta, Bolivia: Three brothers get themselves bitten by a spider to become Spiderman

Chaianta, Bolivia

Children love superheroes, seeing that children often want to be like that. One such case has surfaced in the town of Chaianta, Bolivia, where the three brothers, wishing to become Spiderman, had themselves poisoned by a poisonous spider, which spread poison to the body. They are now hospitalized.

Guidelines issued to parents After the incident came to light, Secretary Virgilio Pietro in the Ministry of Health of the country has also issued an advisory to all parents to take care of their children. He said that parents should take special care of their children.
This spider is most commonly found in America, Southern Europe, Australia, Africa. Black widows are found in dark, dry places such as garages, basements, outdoor, toilets and densely vegetated areas. Black widow is poisonous. She kills and consumes her partner after forming a relationship. Its bite causes symptoms like body pain, abdominal pain, dizziness, increased heartbeat and faintness.
Recently, the three brothers are said to have found the black widow species spider and picked it up with the help of the poles and took it in turn and placed it on their bodies. After this, poison spread in their body and in a short time all three fell unconscious.

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Wanted to be Spider-Man: Three brothers aged 8, 10 and 12, living in the Bolivian state of South America, got themselves bitten by a spider named Black Widow to become a superhero Spiderman. He watched the film Spiderman, in which the protagonist Peter Parker bites a spider named Black Widow, after which he becomes Spider-Man.

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