Porn : Mia Khalifa explained how much money girls get in blue films, Hot Pics
Porn star Mia khalifa tells about porn Industry
Mia Khalifa Is quite a popular name. They have access everywhere from social media to people’s phone galleries. She was one such famous porn star, who was the most searched on the Internet. It is written because she has left the porn industry. And leaving the porn industry and doing jobs.
But the saying goes that neither did you leave you. It is the same with Mia Khalifa. He left the industry but his image remains like a porn star among the people. Mia Khalifa shared all sorts of things during an interview, due to which she has to be two to four every day.
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Mia Khalifa shared a teaser of her interview on Twitter, writing-
People feel that I am earning millions from porn. This is completely wrong. I earned a total of 12 thousand dollars from this industry. After that I did not get one rupee from this industry. Even after leaving the industry, I had a lot of difficulty in getting a normal job. That time was scary.
Now, if Mia Khalifa mentioned the dollar, if she breaks it into rupees, then it sits around 8 and a half lakh rupees. However, on this video of Mia, people commented that Mia is lying. People also alleged that Mia had so many video downloads, there is no point in earning so little. Mia is very famous, this cannot happen to her.
After the tweet of people, Mia tweeted again. In which he wrote supporting his statement-
I was never promised crores when I came into this industry, nor was I expecting. I am just correcting the rumors about myself and the industry.
Mia Khalifa entered the adult film in 2014. Miya became the most famous porn star searched on the Internet. By the way, Mia had made a different identity in the beginning of her career, because her entry was controvertical. When she started acting in a porn film, she used to shoot in a burqa. Because of which Mia was accused of hurting religious feelings. Even several times through emails and messages, Mia got threatened to kill her.

However, now she is leaving all these things and leading a new life. Although he had difficulty in finding a job, but is currently doing the job of sports commentator in a channel. They have also got engaged. And his boyfriend is a chef in a hotel. Overall, knowing the things that are in Mia’s interview, the misconception in people’s minds about the porn industry will go away.
Porn star Mia khalifa hot images