Ramadan 2020 : 5 Things Will Change in Ramadan 2020 Because of Coronavirus
1. The prayers and lockdown

This year, Muslims would be prevented from praying at mosques. Congregation prayers are even banned in the Gulf countries as people gatherings are strictly not recommended these days.
2. Ramadan 2020 -No i’tikaf within mosques during Ramadan 2020

As mosques would be kept closed, people won’t be able to follow i’tikaf at their local mosques. But women would be still able to perform i’tikaf prayers as they follow most of the religious prayers within their houses.
Also Read : History of Ramadan
3. There won’t be any Social gatherings

Also, people won’t be able to have gatherings and eat with their friends and acquaintances. Eid shopping will also be impacted. We won’t be able to meet our relatives after watching the sight of the moon in order to felicitate them about Ramadan.
4. 27th Ramadan

27th Ramadan, which is the night of blessings, won’t also be as regular as it was. Amid the lockdown to stay socially distant, lightening or the sermons at homes or at the mosques won’t be possible.
5. The Taraweeh prayers

With regards to the ban on congregational prayers, the Taraweeh prayers also wouldn’t stay intact. Sadly, “Taraweeh” in Ramadan 2020, which are the special evening prayers, won’t be followed within the mosques.
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Thereby we can also conclude that we shall observe a different Eid day too, this year. The contagious viral pandemic has changed our lives in all the aspects that one isn’t able to predict the future.
We must be prepared for the unpredictables as there is currently no cure and drugs for coronavirus.
Muslims are only left with an option to pray inside their houses and ask Allah for His forgiveness.
We are suggested to seek Allah’s mercy to get through these difficult times.