Italy like condition in New York, bodies being buried in mass graves
At present, the worst outbreak of Corona has been imposed on America. The number of people dying of Corona virus in America is increasing steadily. It is being told that there have been so many deaths in America that corpses are not even found for burial. There are fewer cemeteries to bury people there. (Photo-Reuters)
It is being told that New York has become one of the most affected cities. Recently some pictures and videos have come out, which look quite frightening and dangerous. New tombs are being built in New York to bury people infected with the Corona virus. (Photo-Reuters)

According to the Daily Mail report, a mass grave has been erected on New York’s Heart Island, where people are buried. According to the information, those people who were found unclaimed or whose families could not afford their funeral were buried here. But the number of dead bodies has increased due to the increase in the number of people dying of corona virus. The Daily News says that corpses were buried once a week in the first week, but now the corpses are buried continuously for 5 days. (Photo-Reuters)
In the footage from the drone camera, it can be seen that all the corpses are being buried together. These pictures are so disturbing that let anyone down. The number of people dying in the city due to Corona virus epidemic is increasing continuously, due to which people are living under the shadow of fear. (Photo-Reuters)

It is noteworthy that for burial on the island, the dead body is wrapped in bags and kept in a cedar coffin. The name of the deceased has been written in big letters on each coffin, so that it can help in finding the body of any deceased again if needed. Bodies are being buried through carts in a long narrow ditch dug by machines. (Photo-Reuters)
It is seen in the pictures that the work of digging the tombs is going on. There, workers wearing safe suits are burying the dead people in coffins. Typically, prison inmates on low-paid Rikers Island were working to bury the dead bodies, but other workers have been hired after the Corona virus cases increased. (Photo-Reuters)
On Thursday, officials said they had no other way but to bury the corona virus (COVID-19) patients in the city’s cemetery as the number of people who died of the corona virus continued to rise. (Photo-Reuters)
New York City has recently changed the policy. Under the new policy, medical examiners / medical examiners can only keep the dead body in storage for 14 days. After this he will be buried in Heart Island. At the same time, there is no space left for keeping corpses in hospitals. They are being kept outside in refrigerated trucks. (Photo-Reuters)
Prisoners from Rikers Island are usually brought to dig graves on Hart Island, but the Department of Corrections has removed those workers due to the Corona outbreak. DOC (Department of Corrections) press secretary Jason Kirsten told, “For social security and security reasons, the detained city people are not helping to bury those killed in the epidemic. Now the contract workers are doing this work under the supervision of the DOC. (Photo-Reuters)