Coronavirus COVID-19The BuzzWorld

Only 2 deaths due to corona in New Zealand, how did PM Jacinda ardern (39) control?

Some countries of the world have gone far ahead in the fight against the corona virus. These include New Zealand as well. In New Zealand, the corona virus cases have been declining for four consecutive days. On Thursday, a total of 29 new and potential cases of corona virus infection were reported in New Zealand. In New Zealand, so far, a total of 1332 infections have been reported and 2 deaths have occurred. 317 people infected with Corona virus have also recovered. 

New Zealand has a population of only 5 million. Here the lockdown of 15 days has been completed and he is also seen to be successful in the fight to a great extent. New Zealand Prime Minister Jesinda Arden said in a speech on Thursday, “We are slowly moving towards controlling the situation and our plan is working.”

New Zealand is in no hurry, as the rest of the country is ready to take steps like removing the lockdown and loosening the rules after getting some relief from the corona virus. There are 5597 cases of corona virus infection in Denmark and 218 people have died. Denmark has said that if the corona virus cases stabilize, it will start removing the lockdown from next week.

However, New Zealand Prime Minister Jesinda Arden said on Thursday that she is tightening the border restrictions. Arden said that whoever enters the country from outside, they will be quarantined in the government facility instead of home for two weeks. This rule will only apply to the residents of New Zealand, the entry of foreign nationals is banned from March 20.

Arden said, looking at the lockdown of 15 days, I want to say that the people of New Zealand have done a great job. All of you guys decided together and secured each other. You have saved many lives. However, as I said, we still have a full marathon left.

In the fight against the Corona virus, New Zealand has two important weapons – geographical location and timely decision. On February 28, the first case of Corona virus infection was reported in New Zealand, while Corona virus knocked in the US exactly one month later. On March 29, the first case of Corona virus infection was reported in America, but since then the process of death has not stopped again.

Professor Michael Baker of the Department of Public Health at Otega University has helped the New Zealand government in the prevention of corona virus. Speaking to CNN, he said, I think we had enough time to think and we learned a lot from the example of China.

New Zealand is an island and is severed from the world, said microbiologist Sioxi Wiles of Auckland University. New Zealand receives fewer flights than other countries. Arden also called it a plus point. On Thursday, Arden said that New Zealand’s island proved to be very helpful in preventing the virus. Baker says, however, that the real reason is that scientific attitudes and good leadership in New Zealand have managed to overcome this epidemic. New Zealand has conducted extensive testing, as on date New Zealand has conducted 51,165 tests. Whereas in New Zealand, a country with 13 times the population, only 2 lakh tests have been done in the UK.

Baker said he was deeply disappointed that countries like the US and the UK could not overcome the challenge of the corona virus compared to New Zealand with limited resources, while these countries have the world’s greatest scientists. Baker said, the whole world knew what we knew. The whole world had realized that this is a tsunami which will have to slow down. Where UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned his citizens that they should be prepared to lose their close ones. At the same time, Arden said that she would not give preference to the economy over the people. Arden responded swiftly to the threat of the corona virus.

On March 14, Arden said that every person coming to the country will have to self-quarantine for two weeks. Till then, such strict restrictions were not enforced all over the world. There were only 6 cases of Corona virus infection in New Zealand then. When Arden banned the entry of foreigners into his country on March 19, there were only 28 cases. On 23 March, Arden announced that the lockdown was going to be implemented in the country. There were 102 cases at the time of the lockdown announcement, and not a single death. We don’t have a lot of ICU beds in New Zealand, says Wiles. So Arden took very fast decisions and took tough steps. In New Zealand, there have been only two deaths due to infection with the corona virus. The young population is also a factor behind the low death rate in New Zealand. Corona virus has the highest number of elderly deaths worldwide. In New Zealand, 25 percent of confirmed and probable cases of corona virus are between 20 and 29 years old. While 15 per cent of the cases are in the age group of 30-39. At the same time, in a study on 2500 patients in the US, it was found that 29 percent of corona infected are between 20 and 44 years of age. Baker says that the youth here are also healthy, which is helping to prevent the corona virus.

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