Markaz asked for a vehicle pass for those trapped in the lockdown, questions raised over the silence of Delhi Police
The Corona virus crisis has increased in the country’s capital Delhi. There has been a stir in the case of Jamaat located in Nizamuddin after Corona positive cases came to light. Meanwhile, a letter has surfaced, which is questioning the Delhi Police.
Corona virus cases have steadily increased in the country and the case which came out from Delhi on Monday has stirred up. In the Markaz of Tabligi Jamaat, located in the Nizamuddin area of the capital, many questions are being raised after some people gathered and some were found to be corona positive. Meanwhile, a letter has surfaced, which was written by Markaz to the Delhi Police. In this, Markaz had asked for a pass for some vehicles, so that people could be evacuated from there under lockdown and restrictions.
In the midst of continuing questions, Markaz has argued in his defense that vehicles were arranged to evacuate those who survived in Markaz when the lock down was directed. The list of these vehicles was given to the Delhi Police so that the vehicles could be found nearby.

On March 25, a letter was written to the police-administration on behalf of Markaz, but no response was received. To accept this claim as true, when the lockdown of 21 days started on 23 March, the administration was aware that hundreds of people could be present in this market, despite the fact that there was no way to manage them. Raises questions.
Explain that amidst the lockdown, special passes were being provided by the Delhi government for the needy and those carrying essential goods, so that people could travel despite the lockdown.
1500 people were evacuated
In a letter written by the Marklaj of Tabligi Jamaat to the Delhi Police, it has been told that on March 23, 1500 people were sent from Markaj. However, it is unclear how many of these people were corona victims or suspected.
After getting the information, the administration is now trying to track all these people so that everyone can be quarantined. However, until the search of all these fifteen hundred people is not completed, the crisis of Corona seems to be getting bigger.