SexThe Buzz

Sex problem FAQs : Feel like having sex more immediately after sex? Here are 4 reasons

It would happen to you also that after consuming a drink, after one drink it seems that you drink another, just one more… this one is the last one. Yes, it happens because you have an addiction as soon as you take a drink. Something similar happens in sex with many people. Immediately after having sex, due to the chemicals released in the body, you feel like doing second round, third round. There are 4 reasons for this, know here …

During sex, not only physical but emotional experience is also high. When your body experiences something in which the body is satisfied, it sends a signal to the brain that such experiences are further enhanced, repeated. This happens because during sex, hormones called dopamine and oxytocin are released, which makes us feel happy and feel addicted.

If you have a good sexual act with a partner, then obviously you will feel good after the act, you will feel attractive in yourself, you will feel free and sexy and all these feel together will give you a feel good factor. A good sexual experience makes your relationship stronger and deeper.

There is also a possibility that the person was aroused during the first round of sex but did not feel orgasm and therefore he has to have more sex so that he can reach the climax somehow.

This may not happen to everyone, but it happens to many people where they feel depressed feeling after having sex because your body wants that feel good experience to be felt more. This is also because its after effect is quite strong after the sexual act.

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