DelhiThe Buzz

master plan of Delhi / New Parliament House will be built in front of the old building , new Prime Minister’s house will be built behind South Block.

new Delhi. The master plan of Central Vista for new buildings between Rashtrapati Bhavan to India Gate has been prepared. In this area new buildings with capacity of more members will be built for both houses of parliament. Also, 10 new buildings will be built for the Central Secretariat. The Rashtrapati Bhavan, the existing Parliament House, India Gate and the National Archives building will be kept the same. In this plan, changes have been made six times in the last three months. Union Urban Development Minister Hardeep Singh Puri told Bhaskar that these changes have been made as per the suggestions. This master plan is not yet final.

According to the master plan of Central Vista, the new Tikona parliament building will be built behind the statue of Gandhiji in front of the Purana circular parliament building. The new Parliament House will have one building each for both the Houses of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, but the Central Hall will not be built. It will be built on 13 acres of land. There is now a park, temporary construction and parking on this land.

545 MPs in Lok Sabha, new house will be made worth 900 MPs
The new Lok Sabha building will have 900 seats inside the House. This is being done so that if seats increase in the Lok Sabha in future, then there is no problem. The new house will have a seat for two MPs each, which will be 120 cm in length. That is, an MP will get 60 cm space. Three MPs will be able to sit in these two seats during the joint session. That means a total of 1350 MPs will be able to sit. The new Rajya Sabha building will have 400 seats. No window of Parliament House will match any other window to show the diversity of the country. Each window will be of different size and style.

10 buildings to be built between Vijay Chowk to India Gate
There will be 10 modern buildings on four plots between Vijay Chowk to India Gate for the Central Secretariat. These buildings will have all the ministries of the central government, while currently only 22 ministries out of the 51 ministries of the center are in the Central Vista area. The three plots will have three 8-storey buildings and the fourth plot will have one building plus the convention center. The height of the buildings will be less than India Gate. There will also be a convention center. It will have a seating capacity of 8000 people. It will have seven halls. The largest hall will seat 3500 people. There will be one of 2000 capacity, two of 1000 capacity and three of 500 capacity. There will be under ground public mover shuttles to connect all buildings to the Central Secretariat and Udyog Bhavan.
A new PMO will be formed, only the Prime Minister’s residence will be back
Behind the existing North Block will be the Vice-President’s residence, which will be built over 90 acres, removing the existing temporary constructions there. The Vice President’s residence is currently in the Lutyens zone, but away from the South and North blocks. The new PMO will be built behind the existing building in South Block. Prime Minister’s residence will be built behind that. Right now the Prime Minister’s residence is on 7 Lok Kalyan Marg. The biggest advantage of building this house near South Block will be that traffic will not have to be stopped from the Prime Minister’s own residence to go to office and Parliament. National History Museum will be built in North and South blocks. The offices of both buildings will shift to the first two buildings on Central Avenue.

There will be no tampering with the National Archives building, but all heritage buildings in this area will be kept the same. National Biodiversity Arbaritum will be built behind Rashtrapati Bhavan. Rare plants will be preserved by creating glass houses in it. New India garden will develop along the Yamuna.

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