Palmistry : line of Mars (courage/Brothers/Health)

Line of Mars is the line almost parallel to the Life Line and it can even span from the starting point of Life Line to the wrist. The Line of Mars very close to the Life Line is called the support life line. The Line of Mars far away from the Life Line is named the family influence line.
Line of Mars is the line almost parallel to the Life Line and it can even span from the starting point of Life Line to the wrist. Based on the different forms, Line of Mars can be divided into two types: the Line of Mars very close to the Life Line (B) is called the support life line which can strengthen the vitality; the Line of Mars far away from the Life Line (A) is named the family influence line which suggests the not necessarily great help from family.
The support life line is also known as vitality line or secondary life line. If the line is clear, it can remedy the shortcomings and add vitality to the weak body even though it is short, broken or chained. People with this kind of line work with passion and have more patience and courage to overcome difficulties and lead a happy life.
Traditionally, the support life line is also called the line of secret virtue which indicates the good deeds of the ancestors and the strong vitality to resists against crisis and serious disease. As a result, the line can turn calamities into blessings.
The family influence line symbolizes the family affection. Generally, people with this line have a close relationship with their blood relations like parents, mates, brothers or sisters. It indicates certain help from relatives.
At the same time, the line is known as the lovesick line which indicates being passionately devoted to someone or the long-term filthy love, such as missing the ex-love, adoring or carrying the torch for an idol, or love affair with the married. People with the lovesick line may have loved someone openly or secretly in the early years but fail to stay together and miss deeply in the heart. In addition, those who miss the deceased close relatives also have the line. Girls with this line tend to have the Electra complex.

If the multiple Lines of Mars are shown as the red (A), it indicates the quite good luck with the opposite sex and many friends of opposite sex around. If the Line of Mars close to the Life Line is deep and long, it suggests the good luck with the opposite sex and the good relationship with spouse free from the intervention of a third party; on the contrary, it suggests the shadow of another one in heart who is more important than the current lover.
If the Mount of Mars has many vertical lines shown as the blue (B), it suggests the increased charm and popularity among the opposite sex.

If Lines of Mars are deep and clear and intersect like A and B, it indicates the high official positions and riches, building up from nothing and longevity.
People with the Line of Mars and the clear Sun Line like A and C will live a smooth life, get well-known everywhere, have many sons and grandsons, and enjoy longevity.
If the Line of Mars starts from above the Mount of Venus and ends at below the same mount (D), it implies the strong sense of justice.
If the Line of Mars starts from lower part of the Mount of Venus (E), it indicates the ability not equal to the ambition.