iranian mp

The BuzzWorld

Iranian MP places prize of 21 crore on Trump’s head

An Iranian lawmaker on Tuesday announced a bounty of $ 3 million (about Rs 21.35 crore) for the man who killed US President Donald Trump. According to Iran’s semi-governmental news agency ISNA, the Iranian lawmaker made the announcement to avenge the death of his country’s top military general, Qasim Sulemani, killed in a US drone strike.
The announcement has been made by Majlis member Ahmed Hamjeh on behalf of the residents of Kerman, the hometown of Major General Suleimani. “We will give $ 3 million to Trump’s killer,” said Hamzeh, a Kahnauj County MP close to the southwestern part of the city of Kerman. However, Hamjeh did not say who would pay the amount of this prize offering for about a month before the parliamentary elections.

On the other hand, the US Ambassador present at the conference on disarmament in Geneva said that this is stupid, but it makes you (Iranian) feel the presence of militant bases in power. This power needs to change its behavior.

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