Dubai inmates receive Dh 3 million in donations


Dubai: The Correctional and Punitive Establishments at Dubai Police has provided financial aid to 3,922 inmates after Dubai charitable associations and philanthropists donated Dh 2,950,256 since January 2020.

This initiative is in line with the humanitarian approach of the Dubai Police to grant inmates a second chance to reform and start afresh by providing the necessary support in collaboration with concerned authorities and generous individuals.

Brigadier Ali Mohammed Al Shamali, Director of the General Department of Correctional and Punitive Establishments at Dubai Police, said that the annual programmes, aid and initiatives of the department reflect Dubai Police’s concept of prisons as a place of reformation rather than punishment.

He added that the department has adopted a path of tolerance, coexistence, benevolence, and giving others a second chance to return to the path of righteousness once again. “In this spirit, we are keen on strengthening social responsibility in coordination with charities and philanthropists to end the suffering of inmates and help them start again, improve their conditions, and solve their financial and social problems,” Brigadier Al Shamali said.

Lt. Habib Husain Al Zarouni, Head of Humanitarian Care Department at the Correctional and Punitive Establishments at Dubai Police, said that the Department, in collaboration with charitable associations and philanthropists, utilises the received donations to organise reformation programmes and craftsmanship workshops for inmates, provide medical devices and cover housing fees and school tuitions for their indigent families.

“Due to the new coronavirus outbreak, the Correctional and Punitive Establishments redirected its efforts to provide tickets for inmates who have served their sentences and wish to return to the home countries among their families. The initiative “Awdatokm Amana” (your return is a duty) has caught the attention of many philanthropists who donated Dh 1,479,010 for this noble cause,” Lt. Al Zarouni added.


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