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They won $ 1 million in the lottery; give $ 2,000 dollars to employees who sold them the ticket | The State

As for many people in the world, 2020 did not start in the best way for this couple from the state of Maine. During spring, Glenn Theriault and his wife Stephanie had to fire their dog Baxter, who was like his son.

But after that bitter drink, several events changed the life of this couple: first, their business began to work very well while others closed; Later, Stephanie found out that she was pregnant despite the medical prognoses and, moreover, they won $ 1 million in the lottery. They gave $ 2,000 to the employees who sold them the ticket in appreciation.

According to the Sun Journal, it all started on December 29, when went to a grocery store to buy 25 instant lottery tickets for $ 25 each. They usually do it regularly and give away the tickets to their employees, but this time they kept them for themselves.

When Glenn and Stephanie started scratching the bills, they made $ 50 in one and another $ 60 in two. But when Glenn scratched ticket number 11 he got a big surprise: they had won $ 1 million. They called the state lottery office, made an appointment to collect it, took a photo of the lucky ticket and deposited it in a bank safe.

They later sought out the cashier and the store manager who sold them the tickets to give each of them $ 1,000. “They were in shock and couldn’t believe it. The cashier started crying and couldn’t speak. It was a great feelingā€¯Stephanie told the publication.

Now, the lucky couple are thinking about what to invest their remaining $ 710,000 after taxes. They are looking for properties for when it is time to retire and are investing in some improvements for their business. Undoubtedly, as the Mexicans say, her baby arrived “with a big cake under her arm.”


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