Coronavirus: COVID Symptoms That Show Up In Fully Vaccinated People

Current top COVID signs

People can get infected from Coronavirus even after getting fully vaccinated. However, it has been noted that those who are vaccinated experience fewer symptoms that are usually mild and they are able to recover faster.
The ZOE Health Study has been tracking the symptoms in the fully vaccinated from millions of users to its app. Here is the current ranking of COVID symptoms after two vaccinations:

Sore throat
Sore throat is one of the most common symptoms of respiratory infections, including COVID-19. A sore throat from COVID is usually characterized by pain, scratchiness, thickness in throat and difficulty in swallowing food. All these could be a result of inflammation in the back of your throat, making it feel dry and leading to irritation.

Runny nose
Another common sign of COVID-19 infection is a runny nose. This symptom can usually last anywhere from a few days to a week or more. Runny nose can also lead to a nagging cough from excess mucus in the back of the throat.
If you are confused whether your runny nose is a sign of COVID or some other infection, then it is best to get tested. It is recommended to get tested especially if they’ve had close contact with someone who is infected.

Blocked nose
A blocked or congested nose is commonly associated with COVID-19, especially the Omicron variant. You can consult your doctor if you think it is a sign of COVID infection. Over-the-Counter cough and cold medications may also help to treat your nasal congestion and stuffy nose. Getting plenty of sleep and drinking lots of fluids can also help to relieve your symptom.

Persistent cough
COVID can also lead to coughing as the virus can affect our respiratory tract, from nose to the lungs. Coughing is the body’s way to get rid of unwanted irritants such as viruses, dust and mucus. However, it can also promote spreading of the virus to others around the person coughing, especially in crowded places.
Coughing may persist for weeks, months or even a year after the initial COVID infection. Around 2.5% of people are still coughing a year after being infected with COVID, according to data from 2021.

Headaches caused by COVID typically resolve within a week, according to the US CDC. However, these can also be a sign of long COVID and persist for weeks or even several months after recovery. COVID-19 headaches could be caused by widespread, systemic inflammation, especially if the virus affects the brain or nervous system.

Homecare tips for mild COVID infection
Here are some measures to take note of when you have a mild COVID infection:
-Keep yourselves hydrated.
-Always use a handkerchief/tissue to cover your mouth while coughing or sneezing.
-After using the toilet, clean all the surfaces that you have touched and wash your hands with soap and water.
-Avoid smoking
-Do not share personal items like utensils, towels, etc. with other people in the house.