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Aleida Nunez shows off her provocative curves with a neon-colored mini dress

The Mexican actress and singer lit up the hearts of thousands of fans posing with a tight garment that exposed her heart attack curves to the maximum

Aleida Núñez does not stop showing off her voluptuous curves with her followers on social networks and although the tiny bikinis she wears are capable of drawing sighs wholesale, she has also shown that she knows how to show off her beauty with practically all kinds of garments.

The sexy Mexican actress and singer stands out not only for the talent she wastes on stage or through the screen, but for her spectacular silhouette that makes millions fall in love. And, in the most recent photo shared on her official Instagram profile, she appeared in a tight neon dress that perfectly highlighted her heart attack curves.

” Illuminate your heart “, was the phrase that accompanied the snapshot that obtained more than 42 thousand “likes” as a sign of approval, in addition to hundreds of messages in which her loyal fans highlighted how beautiful she looks with this type of outfits.


” Beautiful as always “, ” Beautiful “, ” What a great body “, ” Beautiful woman “, ” You are a queen ” and ” Monument of a woman ” were just some compliments that the 40-year-old television star received.

Days before the same social network heated up after sharing a sexy postcard in which she posed with a seductive black dress with which she exposed her shapely silhouette before the eyes of almost 3.5 million followers.


To show that she does not need to completely shed her clothes to look charming in the eyes of her fans, the native of Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, appreciated the preference posing with tight jeans that are part of her clothing line, which she combined with a lace top in blue with which, in addition to showing off her shapely rearguard with her back to the camera, she also exposed her steel abdomen with which she has conquered the hearts of thousands.

Under the phrase: ” Your body: the hell in which I would not mind burning “, Aleida received more than 100,000 likes.


The parade of seductive garments continued with an image in which, posing in profile to the camera , she showed off her statuesque silhouette with a white bodysuit .


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